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7 Medical Examinations for Taxi Drivers PDF 22 KB
The Committee received a report from the Licensing &
Enforcement Manager.
The report advised that as part of the checks that the City
Council undertakes to ensure that drivers of Hackney Carriages and Private Hire
Vehicles are fit and proper people to be licensed, they must pass a medical
examination from time to time.
The Officer’s report reviewed the present arrangements for
the undertaking of medical examinations and proposed an alternative
In response to the Officer’s report Councillors sought clarification if
other C1 category drivers must
also pass a medical examination from time to time.
In response to Members’ questions the Licensing & Enforcement
Manager and the Environmental Health Manager said the following:
Two Clinical Commissioning Groups covered the
Greater Cambridge area. They would act as central contact points for medical
Every taxi driver must undertake a health check:
· Before obtaining a
· Every 5 years
between the ages of 45 – 65.
· Annually post 65.
Options would be built into the consultation to
cover cases where a GP could not be contacted for test/results.
Councillors requested a change to recommendation (iii) - 2.2b in the Officer’s
report. Councillor Saunders formally proposed to
amend the following recommendation from the Officer’s report (amendments shown
as struck through text):
To report back to Licensing Sub-Committee the results of the
consultations, to enable a decision to be taken as to the future policy with
regard to medical checks.
The Committee unanimously
approved this amended recommendation.
The Committee:
(unanimously) to:
Change the present arrangements for determining the
medical fitness of taxi and private hire drivers
Instruct officers to consult with the taxi trade
and the representatives of general practitioners about the proposed change.
Ask Officers to report back to Licensing Committee
the results of the consultations, to enable a decision to be taken as to the
future policy with regard to medical checks.