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38 Parkers Piece Public Art Project PDF 707 KB
Matter for
This project proposes to commission an artist to make a proposal for an
artwork, which celebrates the ‘Cambridge Rules’ and acknowledges the important
role that these rules played in establishing the Football Association Rules in
This commission will also signify the importance of Parker’s Piece as
the birthplace of football not only within the City of Cambridge, but both
nationally and internationally.
The maximum budget for this commission is £115,000, which includes
project management fees.
of Executive Councillor for Public Places
Financial recommendation
Approved the commencement of this
scheme, which is already included in the Council’s Capital & Revenue
Project Plan (PR034d). The total cost of the project is £115,000 funded from
developer contributions.
Procurement recommendation
Approved the carrying out and
completion of the procurement of the ‘Cambridge Rules’ Public Art Commission.
If the quotation or tender sum exceeds the estimated contract value by more than
15% the permission of the Executive Councillor and Director of Finance will be
sought prior to proceeding.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Project
Delivery & Environment Manager.
The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
This was an important project and the city needed
to attract high calibre artists.
Members of the public should like the piece of art
when it is finally designed/made.
In response to Members’ questions the Project
Delivery & Environment Manager said the following:
High calibre artists would not apply to an open tender, therefore artists would be shortlisted for
invitation to submit works of art for consideration.
Artists would be paid for the work submitted.
£115,000 was allocated as a budget for the project.
£12,000 of this was for officer costs. InSite Arts
were acting as consultants free of charge.
£9,000 had been spent on the art project to date.
This would be paid from other funds and not be charged to the project budget.
Officers and the Executive Councillor for Public
Places would shortlist four pieces of art. The public would be consulted on
these items. The Executive Councillor for Public Places would make the final decision at a future Environment Scrutiny
Committee based on consultation feedback.
The Committee resolved by 4 votes to 4 and on the Chair’s casting vote
to endorse the recommendations.
The Executive Councillor
approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest
were declared by the Executive Councillor.