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Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods - NAC 06/02/14

Meeting: 06/02/2014 - North Area Committee (Item 13)

13 Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods - NAC 06/02/14 pdf icon PDF 57 KB


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The Committee received a verbal update from the Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant on crime and policing in the four wards.


The Community Fire Safety Officer acknowledged that there had been considerable improvements in the recorded rates of arson, largely due to partnership working. However, there was a need to be vigilant as a new cohort of young people emerged.


Q1.   Mr Jowett: A known criminal couple are operating in the area and no action is being taken. The couple are using the Police against people who try to stop them.


          The Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant confirmed that the Police were aware of the problem and that an Acceptable Behaviour Contract had been signed by the individuals involved. Evidence was being gathered which may lead to further action.


          Comments by other members of the public on this matter:


·        Peter Sarris: Aggressive begging had been going on for some time and the Police had been slow to take any action. Community tensions were rising.

·        Lil Speed: The problem individuals had been operating for some time and members of the public had experienced problems getting any action taken to address the problem.

·        Member of the Public: The individuals are being monitored and local community aware but what happens if they move on to wider area?

·        Kay Harris: There is a lack of a visual presence of PCSO in the area which would offer a deterrent to offending.


The Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant suggested that any incidents should be reported to the Police and that the public should not take action themselves. In response to comments from the Committee, he stated that the Police were unable to take action without evidence. He offered to arrange home visits for any vulnerable residents in the area who were fearful of the situation.


Q2.   Colin Davison: Anti-social cycling, such as using the pavement, is often a result of fear of using the road. Enforcing a 20 mph limit would ease the problems experienced by all road users and improve conditions for pedestrians.

          Richard Jennings: Also suggested enforcement of the 20 mph as a way to improve tensions between road users.


          Councillor Ward suggested enforcement of the 20 mph limit as a priority. Improved signage would be in place very soon.


Q3.   Richard Jennings: In light of Police concerns about confusing road layouts and poor signage, have they raised this matter with the County Council?


          Councillor Manning stated that he and the Police were working with Cambridge University to come up with a solution to a long term problem.


Q4.   Richard Taylor: The minutes of the meeting of the 3rd October noted a rejected request for CCTV to be used in Green End Road. However, the cameras had been deployed in the area. Where was this decision taken?


          Councillor Pitt agreed to look into this matter.

Action: Councillor Pitt


Q5.   Richard Taylor: Feedback about the use of Tasers had been requested but not provided.


Q6.   Richard Taylor: If speed awareness courses are to be used for offences in 20 mph zones, where will they be run? Will it be local to this area?


          Councillor Ward agreed to investigate this matter.

Action: Councillor Ward


Q7.   Ann Sinott: Questioned how many offences were related to domestic violence.


          The Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant stated that it was hard to identify such offences.


Councillor Bird suggested that the problems relating to aggressive begging had been going on for a long time and over a wide area. She questioned why the Police had not warned vulnerable older residents in the area.


Sergeant Wragg stated that he could only take action if he was aware of the problem. He encouraged residents to report issues as soon as possible.


Councillor Kerr highlighted an Off Licence application to be considered shortly, for premises in the Green End Road area and wondered if this would create ASB problems.


Sergeant Wragg suggested this premises was unlikely to create the sort of problems experienced elsewhere in the North Area.


Resolved (unanimously) to agree the following two Neighbourhood Priorities:


     i.        Tackle drug dealing in the North Area


    ii.        Enforce 20mph speed limits (including Fen Road)