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Review of street based anti-social behaviour

Meeting: 14/10/2013 - Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee (Item 66)

66 Review of street based anti-social behaviour pdf icon PDF 39 KB

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Matter for Decision

The Executive Councillor agreed that a biennial review of street life issues should be taken to the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee. Following the first review presented to the Committee in October 2012 a series of workshops took place in early 2013 with City Councillors, representatives from statutory organisations and support agencies, to consider the management of individuals and trends associated with street based anti-social behaviour (ASB).


Decision of the Leader of the Council


Resolved to:


Note the attached report at Appendix 1 of the Officer’s report and supporting documents.


       i.          Develop and provide a programme of intensive tenancy support, for individuals moving in to general housing stock following homelessness or living in temporary accommodation.


     ii.          Incorporate the provision of tenancy starter packs within the support programme. Consider using donations to the Alternative Giving Campaign to fund these packs.


   iii.          Refresh the Task and Target Group to develop an inter-agency approach that offers intensive support to those who choose to engage and takes prompt enforcement measures towards unacceptable behaviour.


   iv.          Develop different management models for each of the 3 main identified groups, to best serve the needs of the individual, in line with the Integrated Offender Management and Together for Families initiatives.


    v.          Develop a communication programme for the public, to give information on: reporting street based ASB, the kind of behaviour that is unacceptable, and the actions that can realistically be taken against street based ASB. And that one or more workshops are organised on the implementation of the report - including the agencies involved, local Councillors, other key stakeholders and resident’s representatives - for the areas most affected.



   vi.          Enhance the multi-agency group to take a strategic overview of street life issues, monitor patterns and take forward the work on the recommendations from this report.


 vii.          Maintain a watching brief with regard to wet centres and review the current approach if more compelling evidence of their success arises in the future.


Reasons for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The committee received a report from the Director of Customer and Community Services and the Safer Communities Section Manager regarding street based anti-social behaviour.


The Leader welcomed the report and expressed thanks to those that had attended the workshops. The City Council had both a preventative and housing based role in tackling the problem. Its role also extended to leading and galvanising the approach of many different partners and promoting shared standards.


The Leader thanked Officers for their hard work and proposed community budgeting as a future option for tackling the problem.


Councillor Herbert thanked Officers for the detailed report but suggested that a separation between night-time economy issues and street life issues would have been useful. The need to ensure that residents of Cambridge received adequate support from the service was also emphasised.


The Safer Communities Section Manager responded that, whilst efforts had been made to separate night-time economy issues from street life issues, the way that anti-social behaviour was recorded made it difficult.


Councillor Herbert acknowledged that some discussions had taken place at Area Committees, but suggested that a follow up event with greater involvement from local resident’s representatives would be beneficial. 


The Safer Communities Section Manager responded that, whilst Officers had promoted the workshops through letter drops, flyers and websites, they had found it difficult to generate interest from local residents.


The Leader highlighted his disappointment that more people had not been able to attend the workshops and suggested that further discussion could take place through the ‘Safer Neighbourhoods’ section of Area Committee meetings. Councillor Herbert felt that a city wide approach, with better engagement with local residents, was needed and reiterated his desire for a follow up event.  


The Executive Councillor for Housing and Councillor Cantrill confirmed that Jimmy’s Night Shelter and Winter Comfort engaged heavily with local residents to identify and address any issues. 


The Executive Councillor for Housing emphasised the importance of the Council’s Reconnections Policy. The Single Homelessness Services was also highlighted as an important tool in tackling the issue and ensuring that people did not easily drift from a ‘low need’ to a ‘moderate need’ position.


Councillor Cantrill emphasised the importance of a wide range of support services including housing and employment, and felt that early intervention could prevent people becoming institutionalised in the street life community. 


Members discussed the merits and concerns regarding ‘wet centres’ (section 9 of Appendix 1 of the Officer’s report), and previous experience of housing one of these in the City.


In reference to recommendation 6 of the Officer’s report regarding the multi-agency group, Councillor Boyce emphasised the importance of identifying any gaps and avoiding duplication.


This comment was noted by Officers. 


Councillor Boyce proposed the following amendment to recommendation 6 of the Officer’s report (replacement underlined and original struck through):


·       Enhance the set up a multi-agency group to take a strategic overview of street life issues, monitor patterns and take forward the work on the recommendations from this report.


The committee resolved unanimously to agree this amendment.


Councillor Herbert proposed the following amendment to recommendation 5 of the Officer’s report (additional text in bold):


·       Develop a communication programme for the public, to give information on: reporting street based ASB, the kind of behaviour that is unacceptable, and the actions that can realistically be taken against street based ASB. And that one or more workshops are organised on the implementation of the report - including the agencies involved, local Councillors, other key stakeholders and resident’s representatives - for the areas most affected.


The committee resolved unanimously to agree this amendment.


The Committee resolved unanimously to endorse the amended recommendations.


The Leader of the Council approved the amended recommendations.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Leader of the Council (and any Dispensations Granted)

Not applicable.