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Developer Contributions Devolved Decision-Making: 2nd Round Priority-Setting for West/Central Area

Meeting: 14/11/2013 - West Central Area Committee (Item 72)

72 Developer Contributions Devolved Decision-Making: 2nd Round Priority-Setting for West/Central Area pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Report attached separately                                                 9.20pm



The Committee received a report from the Urban Growth Project Manager which invited Members to identify its priorities for the second round of developer contributions devolved decision making, which would be taken forward once the first round priorities had been completed.


Mr Wetherfield asked the Committee to confirm from the report the following priorities set below, and identify two other projects from the short listed options on table 2 of the report.


A: Upgrade kitchen/storage at St Augustine's Church Hall up to £100,000

B: Kitchen/lobby extension at St Mark's Church Hall, up to £150,000


Mr Wetherfield stated that he wished to update the Committee of the following:

·        St Mark’s Church had been successful in the tree appeal.

·         The ‘Friends of Histon Road Recreation Ground’ had advised that their preferred choice would be the climbing frame and additional play equipment, their second choice, the additional seating and bird nest boxes.

·        With regard to electricity supply on Parker’s Piece there could be possible opportunities for linking to the same lighting conduits. Any suggestions for an electricity substation, which might be needed to supply electricity for large events, would need to be considered in the context a conversation area.


Councillor Cantrill queried whether s106 community facilities grants would count towards the four second round priorities due to limited resource being used.  Project delivery would be carried out by the grant recipients and suggested that three projects, not two, could be identified at the meeting. 


Mr Wetherfield advised that it was important to make sure the overall programme of priority projects across the city was fair, manageable and achievable, with a consistent approach being taken to all Area Committees. However if by next Spring it became apparent that some of second round priorities were straightforward to deliver, there may be scope for more second round priorities to be taken forward within available staffing capacity.


A member of the public, Mr John Lawton, suggested rather a substation on Parker’s Piece the electricity supply could be found elsewhere and delivered by a cable.


Councillor Rosenstiel responded that there was a substantial piece of land beside Hobbs pavilion which could be used to place the substation. However this project fell under the Council’s strategic City Wide events and was not appropriate for West / Central Area s106 money. Mr Wetherfield advised that the same could apply to Jesus Green.


Members of the Committee spoke in favour and support of their suggested projects.


Councillor Cantrill advised that he would wished to have minuted the lighting of the cycle path being discussed was that runs from Newnham Road to Fen Causeway, starting at the junction of Newnham Road and Barton Road, going between the tennis court and the bowling green ending at Fen Causeway. 


The Committee:


Resolved (unanimously) to prioritise up to £100,000 and up to £150,000 respectively of the available devolved community facilities contributions for improvements to St Augustine’s Church Hall (Castle ward) and St Mark's Church Hall Newnham ward), subject to project appraisal, planning approval, community use agreements and other sources of funding needed for project delivery being secured.


Resolved (unanimously) to short list the following two options to prioritise from devolved developer contributions (taken from page 5 of the Officers report –(replacement underlined and original struck through):


     i.        Item C: Lighting / solar studs on along the diagonal cycle Driftway & across the paths on Lammas Land.         


    ii.        Items E & F (combined): Histon Road Rec improvements:: (1) noticeboard seating, nesting boxes and (2) a trim trail and climbing frame.



Resolved (unanimously) to instruct officers to explore the feasibility of specific options for play area provision in North Newnham, to be reported back to a future meeting of the Area Committee for consideration.


Resolved (unanimously) to instruct Officers to consult local councillors about options for sports facilities in the West/Central Area with a teen focus and sports facilities with a Newnham focus and to report proposals to a future meeting of the Area Committee for consideration subject to appropriate consultation and project appraisals.