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Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods - South Area Committee

Meeting: 04/11/2013 - South Area Committee (Item 53)

53 Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods - South Area Committee pdf icon PDF 174 KB


The Committee received a report from Police Sergeant Jim Stevenson regarding the policing and safer neighbourhood trends.


The report outlined actions taken since the Committee on 15 July 2013. The current emerging issues/neighbourhood trends for each ward were also highlighted (see report for full details). Previous priorities and engagement activity noted in the report were to reduce the theft of pedal cycles in South Area, combat the supply of drugs in South Area; and anti-social behaviour around the Spinney School area.


The Committee thanked the Police for their hard work and dedication in the South Area.


Members of the public asked a number of questions, as set out below.


1.              Raised concern about anti-social behavior by young people in the area and the vandalism of the outdoor table tennis facility and the well used fitness equipment.  


The Police Sergeant acknowledged the concern but responded that there was no evidence to indicate that the damage had been caused by young people.


Councillor Ashton confirmed that the fitness equipment had not been removed as a result of the vandalism. The equipment had been put in temporarily whilst the existing equipment was refurbished. If the temporary fitness equipment was well used by the public Councilor Ashton agreed to look into reinstating it.


Mr Carpen responded that not all young people caused anti-social behavior and highlighted the National Citizens Service as an example of good practice across the country.


2.              Raised safety concerns about the junction at Neath Farm Court, and the speeding vehicles and ‘rat-running’.  


The Police Sergeant responded that the speed survey had highlighted speeding and ‘rat-running’ as an issue. However due to the limitations of the handheld speed camera equipment, and that the majority of those speeding were in the 35-40mph range, it had been difficult to issue tickets to offenders. Therefore unfortunately the issue did not warrant the use of a Safety Camera Unit.


It was suggested that another speed survey could be undertaken by PCSO’s to gather more data, but they would be unable to provide enforcement. Residents were encouraged to become involved in the local Speed Watch campaign in order to help address the problem.


In response to a further question regarding ‘rat-running’, the Police Sergeant confirmed that without a Traffic Management Order, it would be difficult to stop people using a public road.  The Police had also discussed the issue of the road layout with the County Council and this dialogue would continue.


The Police Sergeant arranged to meet with local resident’s outside of the meeting to discuss the issue, and possible solutions, in more detail.


3.              Raised concerns about public drinking on the recreation ground.


The Police Sergeant responded that, without a Section 30 Order in place, it was not possible to stop people drinking in a public place unless they were causing a nuisance.


A member of the public highlighted that a young child was present whilst the drinking was taking place. The Police Sergeant responded that, if this was the case, the issue could be tackled through other routes. He advised members of the public to dial 101 and report any future incidents.


The Committee discussed the following policing issues:


       i.          Speeding in Queen Edith’s Ward, especially around schools.

     ii.          Bike theft in Newtown.

   iii.          Speeding on the Addenbrookes Access Road.

   iv.          Parking enforcement near to schools.

    v.          Parking enforcement around Mill End Road.


The Committee requested that parking enforcement in Mill End Road be specifically included in Police Priority 3.


The following priorities were unanimously agreed:


i.                           Reduce the theft of pedal cycles in the Newtown area.

ii.                         Combat the supply of drugs in the South Area.

iii.                       Tackle vehicle parking offences around school premises across the South Area, and in Mill End Road.