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Decision details

S106 Funding Round - Phase 2 Sports And Community Facilities

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Communities

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To allocate S106 small grants for improvements to equipment, storage and facilities at community buildings and indoor/outdoor sports centres in Cambridge.


Matter for Decision

In 2023/24 the S106 funding round for community and sports facilities sought proposals from community groups, sports clubs and schools (as well as council services) between £5,000 and £30,000 for improving equipment and/or storage at sports venues or community buildings with meeting space in Cambridge. The first phase of applications (for projects deliverable by the end of April 2024) took place summer 2023, with over £125,000 of S106 funds allocated to nine projects at last October’s Committee. The second phase continued until 31/10/2023, seeking eligible project proposals that could be completed by October 2024.


The Officer’s report recommended allocating over £420,000 of S106 funds to 22 proposals relating to the community facilities and outdoor/indoor sports contribution types. Consideration of applications from the first phase for improving swimming pool infrastructure were deferred until now, so the report also seeks approval for investing over £73,500 in a new approach to delivering swimming pool disinfection at Parkside Pools.


The allocation of £40,000 Public Art S106 funds for a project at Nightingale Recreation Ground was also recommended.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Communities

Agreed to:

      i.          Allocate generic S106 funding from the relevant S106 contribution types, subject to business case approval and community use agreement (as appropriate) and possible part-funding by specific S106 contributions where relevant and available (see paragraph 4.5 of the Officer’s report), to the following project proposals:



Project proposals


S106 type


Chesterton Indoor Bowls Club:

lighting upgrades


Indoor sports


Trumpington Village Hall:

furniture provision


Community facilities


Netherhall Sports Centre:

outdoor court improvements


Outdoor sports


Netherhall Sports Centre:

fitness equipment provision


Indoor sports


Campkin Road Community Centre:

equipment & furnishings


Community facilities


Squared Circle Boxing Club:

storage and equipment


Indoor sports


St Matthew’s Piece:

basketball improvements


Outdoor sports


Scotland Road Rec Ground:

basketball improvements


Outdoor sports


Green End Road Rec Ground:

basketball improvements


Outdoor sports


Cambridge Dive Club:

diving facility improvements


Indoor sports


St Paul’s Primary School:
football equipment and storage
(also subject to conditions set out in paragraph 4.3)


Outdoor sports


Ross Street Community Centre:

kitchen improvements


Community facilities


Ross Street Community Centre:

audio-visual (AV) equipment & Storage


Community facilities


The Junction:

AV & presentation equipment


Community facilities


Cambridge Canoe Club:

additional storage


Outdoor sports


Christ The Redeemer Church:

storage, furniture & equipment


Community facilities


Coldham’s Common:

outdoor fit kit storage


Outdoor sports


Abbey Pool Fitness Studio:

gym equipment provision


Indoor sports


St. Philip’s School:
community meeting area & canopy
(also subject to conditions set out in paragraph 4.3)


Community facilities


Cambridge United Foundation:
AV equipment


Community facilities


King’s Hedges Learner Pool:
pool-based fitness equipment


Indoor sports


Christ’s Pieces Tennis Courts:
court improvements


Outdoor sports


Note: At 18/01/24 Committee Members agreed to delay grant funding for Canoe Club until planning permission was received.


See Section 4 and Appendices A and B of the Officer’s report for more details.


     ii.          Allocate £73,666 of Swimming Pool S106 contributions towards a new approach to delivering swimming pool disinfection at Parkside Pools with ultraviolet disinfection and salt-based hyproliser for onsite chlorination generation, subject to a business case approval;

   iii.          Allocate generic S106 public art funding of up to £40,000 for a public art project at Nightingale Recreation Ground, Community Garden and Pavilion, subject to business case approval.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the (Officer).


The Sport & Recreation Manager said the following in response to Members’ questions:

      i.          Ultraviolet disinfection was commonly used in pools in the country. It was an effective system to kill pathogens and an environmentally friendly way to clean pools and reduce the amount of chlorine in them.  A salt-based hyproliser was another option to dechlorane pools.

     ii.          Parkside Pool was the main council pool but Officers could look at introducing ultraviolet disinfection and salt-based hyproliser at Abby Pool and Jesus Green too if the initiative worked at Parkside Pool.


Councillor Glasberg requested a change to the recommendation in the Officer’s report to remove (O) ‘Cambridge Canoe Club additional storage’. Grant funding could be delayed until planning permission was received for the Canoe Club extension.


The Committee unanimously approved this amended recommendation.


The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations as amended.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations as amended.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.


Publication date: 26/06/2024

Date of decision: 18/01/2024