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Decision details

Response to Huntingdonshire Local Plan Issues Consultation

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control, and Infrastructure

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To agree the Council’s response to the Huntingdonshire Local Plan Issues consultation as part of a joint response with South Cambridgeshire District Council.


Matter for Decision

The report sought agreement of a proposed response to the Huntingdonshire Local Plan Issues Engagement Paper (Regulation 18) Consultation.




Decision of the Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control and Infrastructure


      i.          Agreed the proposed joint response to the Huntingdonshire District Council Issues Engagement Paper (Regulation 18) Consultation.

     ii.          Agreed that any subsequent material amendments be made by the Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control and Infrastructure in consultation with Chair and Spokes

   iii.          Agreed that any subsequent minor amendments and editing changes that do not materially affect the content be delegated to the Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control and Infrastructure, in consultation with Chair and Spokes


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Principal Policy Planner.


In response to Members’ questions the Planning Policy Officer said the following:

      i.          Agreed that it was important to aim for the highest possible biodiversity standards and to work with neighbouring authorities to address water issues.

     ii.          There would be opportunity for ongoing dialogue with Huntingdonshire District Council regarding the issues raised in the proposed response as its local plan process progressed.


The Deputy Director stated they supported the officers who were trying to maintain an open dialogue with neighbouring councils.


The Executive Councillor informed the Committee that Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC) Councillors had been in contact with them due to the evidence that officers had collated, and the ambition shown in the Local Plan (LP), as they had similar aspirations. HDC Councillors would be encouraged to read the document and to engage with City Councillors to find out how they worked with officers to achieve such an outcome.


The Committee unanimously endorsed the Officer recommendations.


The Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control and Transport approved the recommendations.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted).

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.


Publication date: 26/01/2024

Date of decision: 26/06/2023