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Decision details

South Cambridgeshire District Council Four Day Working Week Trail

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Transformation

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Approve Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service taking part in South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC) proposed four-day working week trial for office-based staff over three months from January to March 2023.


Matter for Decision


South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC) is proposing a four-day working week trial for 470 office-based staff over three months from January to March 2023. A second phase would involve considering how this could be applied to the Greater Cambridge Shared Waste Service.


This report provides information about the proposed trial, including implications for the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service.


Decisions of the Executive Councillor for Finance, Resources and Transformation


·       Note the information contained in this report and at Appendix A about the trial of a 4-day working week, including that, SCDC want to involve Cambridge City Council (CCC) in the preparations, share updates on progress with the Strategy & Resources Scrutiny Committee, and that both councils explore how this could be applied to Shared Waste.

·       Note that the role of Greater Cambridge Shared Planning in the trial is contingent on the agreement of the Executive Councillor for Finance, Resources and Transformation, and that formal preparations for the involvement of the shared planning service in the trial will not proceed until a decision has been taken.

·       Agree that Greater Cambridge Shared Planning should take part in the trial on the basis that assurance will be provided, and mitigations developed during the preparatory phase to maintain service standards for Cambridge residents, including to halt the trial if necessary.

·       Agree that future decisions which have significant implications for shared services, including a ‘4-day week’ trial for Shared Waste, must be made jointly and that proposals to improve governance arrangements to address this should be presented to both councils for agreement.

·       Agree that CCC will need to consider the evidence regarding the benefits, risks and costs of a ‘4-day week’ in relation to its own transformation plans during 2023/24.

Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations


Members of the Scrutiny Committee made the following comments:


Disappointment and dissatisfaction that neither a senior officer or senior councillor at South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC) did not consult or inform its shared services partner prior to announcing the trial and by not doing so, had caused unnecessary consternation and put the City Council’s leadership in a difficult place, notwithstanding the merits of the proposal of a 4 day week.


City residents must be reassured that there will be no diminution of service


The proposals were informed by a Health and Safety Audit of SCDC employees which the Chief Executive of SCDC would share with the Scrutiny Committee.  After the three month trial, another Audit would be undertaken.


Wished to be assured that the Unions would be involved with the developing and monitoring of the trial.

The Council must be fully involved going forward as it is a joint partner.

Shared services governance requires reviewing and any review should come to the City Council’s appropriate Committee.


The Chief Executive of SCDC responded:

The 3 month trial if successful would lead to a longer trial-likely a further year.

Hoped the City Council would support a trial for the Waste Service if it could be delivered which is subject to more work on modelling bin rounds and on the results of the first trial.


The Director of Planning stated that the service had tried many ways of securing employees and retaining them and gave the example of an Agency Worker at a senior level in the service costing double that of a salaried employee.  On service delivery, the service has good performance monitoring data and systems and it will be clear if there is a deterioration delivery-and residents will make it clear.

The City Council’s Chief Executive stated that monitoring information collated by SCDC would be reported to this Scrutiny Committee and the City Council’s Head of Human Resources and Union Officers are involved with this project.

Members appreciated and thanked the SCDC Chief Executive for attending the meeting.

The scrutiny committee unanimously supported the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.

Publication date: 19/04/2023

Date of decision: 10/10/2022