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*** ROD Approval of Additional Energy Investment 2023/24

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Housing

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Approval of a net £3,640,000 additional budget for energy investment in 2023/24.


Cambridge City Council

Record of Executive Decision

Approval of Additional Energy Investment for 2023/24

Decision of: Councillor Bird, Executive Councillor for Housing

Reference: 22/URGENCY/HSC/16

Date of decision: 15.11.22 Date Published on website: 16.11.22

Decision Type: Key

Matter for Decision: Approval of a net £3,640,000 additional budget for energy investment in 2023/24

Why the Decision had to be made (and any alternative options):

The Executive Councillor’s decision:

a)      Approve the inclusion of an initial budget of £3,640,000 in the Housing Capital Programme in 2023/24 in respect of delivering energy improvement works to 130 homes to bring them up to an EPC ‘C’ rating.


b)       Approve an increase in the budget by the value of the grant bid, subject to a successful grant bid, and recognise the associated grant income in the Housing Capital Investment Plan (budget).


Reason for the decision: This urgent decision pre-empts a decision that would otherwise have been expected to be formally made in January / February 2023 as part of the 2023/24 budget setting process.

Additional capital investment of £3,640,000 is required in 2023/24 in order to move a tranche of 130 homes up to an EPC ‘C’ rating.

By taking this decision now under urgency powers the authority will be in a position to be able to bid for external grant funding as part of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund that, subject to a successful bid, would top up our own investment allowing further energy improvement works to be delivered in these homes. The authority is required to supply formal approval of the resource being invested by them as part of the grant application process.

Scrutiny Consideration: The Chair and Spokesperson of Housing Scrutiny Committee were consulted prior to the action being authorised.

Report: Approval of Additional Energy Investment for 2023/24 Report Document 221115 - Urgent Decision - Additional Energy Investment for 202324 - Cambridge Council

Conflict of interest: None

Comments: Part 4C section 6.1 of the Councils Constitution, permits decisions to be taken which are outside of the budget framework if the decision is:

  • a matter of urgency
  • it is not practical to convene a quorate meeting of the Council, (this is correct); and

The Chair of the Housing Scrutiny Committee agrees the matter is of urgency as the authority wishes to be in a position to bid for external grant funding as part of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund, which will not be possible unless the Council’s investment is formally approved.

The next available ordinary Full Council meeting is 23 February 2023 which is too late. The decision will be reported back to Full Council at the next meeting in February 2023.

Councillor Porrer requested clarification regarding the funding sources for the investment but supported the decision.


Publication date: 16/11/2022

Date of decision: 15/11/2022