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Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Climate Action and Environment
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
Future operation of the Out of Hours Noise Service, (based on the outcome of the evaluation).
Matter for
The Council has a legal
duty to investigate statutory nuisance within its area under the Environmental
Protection Act 1990. However, the law does not specify how to exercise this
duty, it is therefore the responsibility of each Local Authority to establish
its own procedures for investigating complaints of noise that may amount to
statutory nuisance.
The Councils Out of Hours
Noise Service operated for the last 25 years, which, until October 2019,
operated 7pm – 7am Monday – Friday; and 9am – 5pm, and 7pm – 7am, respectively
on weekends and Bank Holidays. This approach required significant staffing
levels and tied up staff time in reactive, rather than targeted pro-active
service work.
The primary purpose of the
previous Out of Hours Noise Service was to allow residents to log initial noise
complaints and for officers to contact complainants to gather information and
evidence to determine the existence of a statutory noise nuisance. Referrals
would then be made to the daytime team to take appropriate enforcement action
in relation to applicable cases of ongoing noise disturbance persistently
detrimentally affecting the quiet enjoyment of someone’s home.
Following a review of Council
Out of Hours services, including noise, combined with a difficulty recruiting
to Out of Hours Noise Service posts, and the availability of new ‘self-help’
evidence gathering technologies and equipment, the Council committed to trial a
new Out of Hours Noise Service approach.
This trial moved away from
residents having access to officers to discuss their complaint and / or request
a visit out of hours, to all noise complaints being passed to daytime officers
within Environmental Health to discuss their complaint and / or arrange a
proactive, pre-arranged visit(s). The trial adopted a proactive planned
approach, supported by evidence gathering technologies and equipment, for
witnessing of noise disturbances out of hours. This new approach enabled complaints
to be triaged more effectively and for staff resources to be deployed in a more
efficient way.
The trial of this new
approach has been evaluated and the results fully support its adoption on a
permanent basis, in place of the previous reactive and inefficient Out of Hours
Service model.
of Executive Councillor for Climate Change, Environment & City Centre
Noted the results of the
pro-active and planned Out of Hours Noise Service trial
Approved (based on the
trial evaluation results) the adoption of the pro-active and planned Service
approach on a permanent basis, supported use of evidence gathering technologies
and equipment, in place of the reactive and inefficient Service model.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Environmental Health Manager.
The Environmental Health Manager said the following in response to
Members’ questions:
An evidenced based action was a better way forward
based on kit loaned out by the council, rather than a visit by a council
officer to witness anti-social behaviour.
People could report issues in the same way as the
24/7 service by ringing the Customer Access Centre during office hours. An
officer would contact them within three working days (usually less). The
officer would discuss options with the concerned resident. The council would
triage options based on evidence submitted and manage expectations on options
available as some issues were civil matters outside of the council’s control.
The process was the same as before except for having someone at the end of a
phone 24/7.
Customer Access Centre call handlers had been
trained on how to give information in response to reported issues. Case
Officers would follow up the next working day after a call had been logged.
A councillor briefing session was planned to give
information on how members could offer support to residents.
Only a small minority of councils provided a 24/7
answer service so moving away from this put Cambridge City in line with the
majority. The service was not stopped, just refocussed. Some councils provided
The Customer Access Centre provided a single point
of contact for residents and made it easier for the council to triage noise
complaints so officers could effectively manage expectations on what the
council could do to respond.
The Officer’s report set out the number of reported
noise complaint cases. Most were during the day.
The amount of noise monitoring kit had increased
from one item to two. These could be loaned out for up to a week. Officers
never refused to loan out items, but there may sometimes be a delay until kit
became available.
Residents would be contacted about the service
through various channels such as Open Door. Feedback was welcome on how
effective this was.
The Enforcement Team gave feedback on planning
applications to advise on relevant conditions to mitigate noise issues e.g.,
during construction. Officers monitored the situation and acted where required.
Councillors requested a change to the
recommendations. Councillor Payne proposed to add the following recommendations
to those in the Officer’s report:
Note the results of the pro-active and planned Out
of Hours Noise Service trial; and
Based on the trial evaluation results, to approve
the adoption of the pro-active and planned Service approach for a further 12
months, pending a further review and report to Environment and Communities
Scrutiny Committee when a full year's data is available. on a permanent
basis, supported use of evidence gathering technologies and equipment, in place
of the reactive and inefficient Service model.
The Committee rejected the
recommendation by 6 votes to 4.
The Environmental Health
Manager offered to bring a report back to committee in October on how the
service was progressing.
The Committee resolved by 6
votes to 0 to endorse the (unamended) substantive recommendations as set out in
the Officer’s report.
The Executive Councillor
approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest
were declared by the Executive Councillor.
Publication date: 06/06/2022
Date of decision: 28/01/2022