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Decision details

Housing Services Communal Cleaning

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Housing

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


1.To authorise officers to explore the option of transferring responsibility for the cleaning of the Councils Indoor Sheltered Housing Scheme’s back in house to the Council, and to delegate authority to a Strategic Director, in consultation with the Executive Cllr for Housing, Chair and Vice Chair of HSC and the opposition spokesperson, to make a decision on whether or not this should go ahead.

2. Following decision 1, to delegate authority to a Strategic Director, in consultation with the Executive Cllr for Housing, Chair and Vice Chair of HSC and the opposition spokesperson, to award a contract for the communal cleaning of the Councils General Housing, outdoor sheltered housing and potentially indoor sheltered housing stock, following a procurement process.


Matter for Decision

The report provided an update on the current and proposed future arrangements for communal cleaning services across the Council’s housing stock and bin cleaning services in sheltered housing.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Strategy and External Partnerships

Authorised officers to explore the option of transferring responsibility for the cleaning of the Councils Category 2 Sheltered Housing Schemes back in house to the Council, and to delegate authority to the Strategic Director, in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Housing, Chair and Vice Chair of Housing Scrutiny Committee (HSC) and the opposition spokespersons, to make a decision on whether or not this should go ahead.


Following the above decision, to delegate authority to the Strategic Director, in consultation with the Executive Cllr for Housing, Chair and Vice Chair of HSC and the opposition spokespersons, to tender and award a contract for the communal cleaning of the Council’s General Housing, Category 1 sheltered housing and, potentially, category 2 sheltered housing stock.


Approved delegated authority to the Head of Finance to amend both expenditure and income budgets in relation to the provision of communal cleaning services and bin cleaning in sheltered housing schemes in the HRA in line with prices received as part of the recent procurement exercises.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee welcomed the report and noted that resident representatives had already become involved in the next steps.


In response to a point made that cleaning bins at sheltered housing had re-started, the officer advised that there was a budget to re-commence the cleaning but that to fulfil the service going forward there will need to be an increase in the overall budget.


The Committee resolved by 15 votes to 0 to endorse the recommendations.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.



Record of Officer Delegated Decision

Housing Building Cleaning Contract Award

Decision taken:

1.     To note and confirm support for the delegated decision made in July 2021 to transfer the category II sheltered housing cleaning service back in house, with the associated TUPE transfer of staff from 1/4/2022.

2.     To note and confirm support for the delegated decision made in July 2021 to re-tender the building cleaning service for general and category I sheltered housing.

3.     To approve the contract award to, and entering into the contract with, Goshen Multiservices with effect from 1/4/2022

4.     To approve entering into the pension scheme admission agreement

Decision of: Jane Wilson, Strategic Director

Minute Reference: 21/31/HSC

Date of decision: 9/3/2022

Matter for Decision: A report in respect of housing building cleaning was approved at Housing Scrutiny Committee in June 2021.

It delegated two decisions to the Strategic Director in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Housing, Chair and Vice Chair of Housing Scrutiny Committee and the Opposition Spokespersons.

Decision 1 related to whether to transfer the responsibility for the cleaning service in category II sheltered housing back in house.

Decision 2 related to the ability to tender and award the cleaning contract for general housing, category I sheltered housing and category II sheltered housing (the latter dependent upon decision 1).

Suzanne Hemingway, Strategic Director made a delegated decision in July 2021, following consideration of a business case to proceed and transfer the category II sheltered housing back in house, with the general housing and category I sheltered housing therefore going back out to tender.

To be in a position to TUPE transfer the staff for the category II sheltered housing back into the Council from 1/4/2022 and award the building cleaning contract to the preferred bidder, Goshen, for the general and category I sheltered housing and enter into contract from 1/4/2022, a further delegated decision was required.

Any alternative options considered and rejected: Re-tender of the category II sheltered housing was considered, but the recommendation was to bring this service back in house, in line with the findings of a business case.

Reason for the decision including any background papers considered: Decision required to be able to proceed and TUPE staff and award contract.

Conflict of interest and dispensation granted by Chief Executive: None.

Comments: Chair, Vice Chair, Executive Councillor and Opposition Spokespersons consulted before decision was taken.

Contact for further information: Julia Hovells, Assistant Head of Finance and Business Manager


Publication date: 28/07/2021

Date of decision: 22/06/2021