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Decision details

Structural Repairs and Associated Works to Council-Owned Blocks of Flats

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Housing

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Approval to award a contract to carry out structural repairs and associated works to Council-owned flats.


Matter for Decision

     I.        The Council owned a number of blocks of flats built in the 1950s and 1960s. Many of these flats had structural concrete elements. Estates and Facilities had been identifying and surveying blocks that had three stories or more and we had identified an initial list of properties where structural repair works were required as a priority. Detailed designs had been carried out and the work now needed to be tendered in order to award a contract to a building contractor.

Decision of Executive Councillor for Housing

     i.        Approved the issue of tenders and, following evaluation of tenders, authorise the Strategic Director (following consultation with Executive Councillor, Chair, Vice Chair and Spokes of the Committee) to award a contract to         a contractor to carry out structural repairs and associated repair works to Council housing flats.

Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Asset Manager.


In response to the report Leaseholder Representative, Diane Best suggested that the Tenant Representative / Vice Chair, Diana Minns be added to the consultees. The Committee agreed the recommendation was amended as follows (additional working in bold).


Approve the issue of tenders and, following evaluation of tenders, authorise the Strategic Director (following consultation with Executive Councillor, Chair, Vice Chair and Spokes of the Committee) to award a contract to a contractor to carry out structural repairs and associated repair works to Council housing flats.

The Asset Manager stated the following in response to Members’ questions:

     i.        It was expected that the work would begin in the summer months. This would be dependent on successful completion of the tender process

    ii.        Confirmed that preventative programmes of work were in place and it was anticipated that this would be a rolling programme due to the aging stock profile.

  iii.        Balcony repairs had been identified as a health and safety matter and repair work had begun over five years ago.

  iv.        A five-year rolling stock survey would dictate the future programme of cyclical repairs.

   v.        Drainage repairs works were also planned for the future.

  vi.        Agreed with the Tenant Representative’s suggestion that tenants needed to be reminded to inform their household insurer of any works involving scaffoldings.


The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the amended recommendation.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.


Publication date: 26/02/2020

Date of decision: 15/01/2020