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Decision details

Annual Climate Change Strategy, Carbon Management Plan And Climate Change Fund Update Report

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Climate Action and Environment

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To consider progress in delivering the Council's Climate Change Strategy.


Matter for Decision

The Officer’s report provided an update on progress during 2018/19 on actions to deliver the five objectives of the City Council’s Climate Change Strategy 2016-21. As part of this, the report includes an update on progress in implementing the Council’s Carbon Management Plan which details the actions the Council will take to reduce carbon emissions from its estate and operations.


The report also provided an update on: 

       i.          The current position of the Climate Change Fund, which provides support to projects that help to reduce the Council’s own carbon emissions and/or manage climate change risks to Council staff and property.

     ii.          The council’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions for 2018/19.

   iii.          A proposed response to Shepreth Wildlife Park’s Plastics Pledge


Decision of Executive Councillor for Climate Change,

Environment and City Centre

       i.          Noted the progress achieved during 2018/19 in implementing the actions in the Climate Change Strategy and Carbon Management Plan.

     ii.          Approved the proposed response to Shepreth Wildlife Park’s Plastic Pledge (as set out at Appendix E of the Officer’s report).


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Strategy and Partnerships Manager.


The Strategy and Partnerships Manager said the following in response to Members’ questions:

       i.          Ward clean up days were run by the Shared Waste Service and Housing Service. There were a number of clean up days run across the city over the year. Undertook to liaise with these services to ascertain if more clean up days could be offered.

     ii.          Will follow up if participating in the 50 Fountains Challenge is practicable.

   iii.          The Council delivered or funded a number of activities in 2018/19 to encourage and support Council staff, residents and businesses to reduce single-use plastics such as promoting the 100 plus drinking water taps in Cambridge which can be found on the Refill app, including free drinking taps and fountains such as the new one installed by the Council on Parkers Piece.

   iv.          The council has a target to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from its estate and vehicle fleet by 15% by 2021, with an aspiration to achieve a 20% reduction by this date. The council had implemented a number of carbon reduction projects (see Officer’s report for details) as set out in the Carbon Management Plan. Officers were actively pursuing carbon reduction across the estate and vehicle fleet.

    v.          In March 2016, the Council set an aspiration for the city of Cambridge to achieve zero carbon status by 2050. The UK Government’s new national target is in-line with this, as is the most recent advice from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the UK’s Committee on Climate Change. In February 2019, the Council had called upon the Government to give the Council and other local partners the powers needed to make Cambridge zero carbon by 2030.

   vi.          Undertook to find out more details for Councillors about advertising and promotion of the new car club scheme jointly with Cambridgeshire County Council, which allows residents to hire vehicles for short periods, reducing the need for car-ownership.

 vii.          The Council has increased cycle parking provision, by providing 55 new stands with 110 parking spaces across a number of sites. This included2 cargo bike parking bays at Queen Anne Terrace car park. Undertook to find out more details for Councillors regarding scope for more cargo bike spaces in future.


The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.

Publication date: 31/10/2019

Date of decision: 03/10/2019