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Decision details

New Build Housing - Campkin Road

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Housing

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Request for budget to develop a new housing scheme at Campkin Road - indicative outturn 70 Council Homes.


Matter for Decision

The report referred to the devolution deal with Central Government and sought approval for a capital budget for the scheme based on

the indicative capacity study which had been undertaken for the site and the outlined appraisals referenced in the Officer’s report and for the delivery route to be adopted.  


Decision of the Executive Councillor for Housing


       i.          Approved the scheme in principle, recommending to Council, the inclusion of an indicative capital budget for the scheme of £15,964,921 in the Housing Capital Investment Plan, to cover all of the site assembly, construction costs, professional fees and associated other fees to deliver a scheme that meets an identified housing need in Cambridge City.

     ii.          Approved that, subject to Council approval of the budget,  delegated authority be given to the Exec Cllr for Housing in conjunction with the Strategic Director to enable the site to be developed through Cambridge Investment Partnership (CIP) subject to a value for money assessment to be carried out on behalf of the Council.

   iii.          Authorised, subject to Council approval of the budget, the Strategic Director in consultation with the Executive Councillor for housing to approve variations to the scheme including the number of units and mix of property types and sizes outlined in this report.

   iv.          Approved the use of the updated Council Home Loss Policy attached as Appendix 3 of the Officer’s report.

    v.          Delegated authority, subject to Council approval of the budget, to the Strategic Director to commence Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) proceedings on Leasehold properties to be demolished to enable the development should these be required.

   vi.          Delegated authority to the Strategic Director to serve initial Demolition Notices under the Housing Act 1985.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations


The Committee received a report from the Senior Development Manager Housing.


In response to comments and questions from the Committee the Senior Development Manager Housing said the following:


       i.          Did not have the percentage figures for the area of land the site was to be built on.

     ii.          The form of the development had been set by the need to keep the line of trees which ran along Campkin Road.

   iii.          Acknowledged there had been previous problems with shared ownership tenures concerning the letting and selling of these properties. The Committee had previously discussed these issues and possible solutions such as changes to the tenure to reintroduce as homes for rent.

   iv.          The scheme was for all council rented homes.

    v.          There was currently no shared ownership in this scheme.

   vi.          The key factor was to deliver rented affordable housing in the city.

 vii.          Was aware that parking in the area was difficult. The scheme’s proposal was a ratio of 0.65 parking spaces to each dwelling.

viii.          Did not believe the development had a major impact on the availability of open spaces; the most significant aspect of the open space was the line of trees earlier referenced.

   ix.          In line with planning policy 5% of the dwellings would be wheel chair adapted.

    x.          Through the Climate Change Strategy and action plan the Council were due to go to tender to install electric charging points across the council car parks. The electric charging points would also be addressed through the Council’s individual planning applications.

   xi.          Tenants affected by the development would be given emergency housing status. They would also be permitted to move back but this would be at a higher rental rate. However there would a range of compensation packages for a loss of their homes in the first instance and for those tenants who were under occupied would have the option to downsize.


The Executive Councillor informed the Committee the unsold shared ownership units on the Virido development had been approved by Homes England to be turned into Council rented accommodation. Approval from Planning was required to finalise this.


The Committee resolved by 5 votes to 0 to endorse the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.

Publication date: 04/10/2019

Date of decision: 18/06/2019