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Decision details

Update on the Programme to Build New Council Homes Funded through the Combined Authority

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Housing

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Approval to the overall strategy and approach to the delivery for the Devolution grant housing programme.

Approval to the addition of new sites into the housing delivery programme (subject to individual project approvals).


Matter for Decision

This report provided an update on the programme to deliver 500 Council homes by March 2022 with funding from the Combined Authority.


Decision of Executive Councilor for Housing

     i.        Noted the overall progress on the Combined Authority programme to deliver 500 Council rented homes.

    ii.        Noted the overall Cambridge Investment Partnership Programme.

   iii.        Approved subject to specific project approvals) the addition of the following sites to the Councils rolling development programme to contribute to the 500 Council home delivery: Clerk Maxwell Road, Campkin Road, Ditchburn Place Day Centre, Cromwell Road and Mill Road phase 2.

  iv.        Noted the risk plan for the delivery of the affordable housing programme.

   v.        Noted the reporting arrangements with the Combined Authority.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a progress report from the Head of the Housing Development Agency on the delivery of 500 Council homes by March 2022; with further named projects added to the rolling delivery programme, each of which would be individually brought to the appropriate Council committee as they moved forward.


In response to Members questions the Head of the Housing Development Agency, the Principal Accountant and the Executive Councillor for Housing said the following:

       i.        The report had identified a total build of 497 homes. There were a number of sites that had not yet been publicised due to ongoing feasibility studies and was confident the target would be met.

      ii.        The term ‘potential sites’ referenced in the report were actual schemes which were currently being worked on. Further details would be brought forward to future meetings.

    iii.        Confirmed that work would start on site next week at Anstey Way.

    iv.        Demolition work had begun on Mill Road; the scheme would not be completed for approximately two years.

     v.        The Council would not pay the full amount for the housing being built on Cromwell Road. This would be discounted as it was HRA land which the Council had put in at the beginning. This arrangement with CIP was to ensure that ‘right to buy receipts’ could be spent.

    vi.        The value of the land went into the building project which would then be repaid out of the revenue costs that were gained from the market sales of that site. All monetary contributions made by the Council would have interest attached but as the costs were repaid this would be a neutral cost.

  vii.        Officers would bring an update of the delivery of 500 councils to Committee for scrutiny. If officers felt that the target could not be met this would be brought to the Committee’s attention following due process.


The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor for Housing approved the recommendations.


Publication date: 12/03/2019

Date of decision: 27/09/2018