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Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Housing
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
To note actual income and expenditure compared to the final budget for 2017/18
(outturn position).
b) To review revenue and capital budget variances with explanations.
c) To review specific requests to carry forward residual revenue funding from
2017/18 to 2018/19.
e) To review specific requests to carry forward residual capital funding from
2017/18 to 2018/19.
Matter for
The report presented, for the Housing Revenue Account:
A summary of actual income and expenditure compared
to the final budget for 2017/18 (outturn position)
Revenue and capital budget variances with
Specific requests to carry forward funding
available from budget underspends into 2018/19.
A summary of housing debt which was written off
during 2017/18.
of Executive Councillor for Housing
Approved carry forward requests totalling £698,690
in revenue funding from 2017/18 to 2018/19, as detailed in Appendix C of the Officer’s report.
Approved the carry forward requests of £3,798,000
in HRA and General Fund Housing capital budgets and associated resources from
2017/18 to 2018/19 to fund re-phased net capital spending, as detailed in Appendix
D and the associated notes to the appendix of the Officer’s report is
recommended to Council.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Business Manager / Principal
The Committee sought clarification regarding the reduction in spending
on temporary housing.
The Business Manager / Principal Accountant stated the following in
response to Members’ questions:
Fluctuation in spending on temporary housing was
normal as the service was demand led.
Sheltered Housing costs had been reduced due to
improvement in procurement processes which had resulted in savings.
Confirmed that there had been a number of changes
in the delivery of planned maintenance work and that the planned programme of
works had been reconfigured. Going forward, improved results were expected.
Confirmed that there had been delays in occupancy
of new build properties as the quality of the workmanship on the build had been
poor. The Council had refused to take the properties until remedial work had
brought them up to an acceptable standard.
Confirmed that there were still problems in
recruiting to some key posts due to the high cost of living in the Cambridge
The Business Manager / Principal Accountant
undertook to investigate the increased spending on responsive repairs to flat
The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.
The Executive Councillor
approved the recommendation.
Publication date: 08/08/2018
Date of decision: 19/06/2018