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Decision details

Land North of Cherry Hinton Supplementary Planning Document

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control, and Infrastructure

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The SPD will look at the key issues and development opportunities in the area.


Public Question

A Ward Councillor asked a question as set out below.


Councillor Ashton raised the following points:

       i.          It was pleasing to see the County Council were aware of transport issues in Cherry Hinton and the spine road connecting Coldham’s Lane with Cherry Hinton Road.

     ii.          This was an opportunity to relieve traffic issues in the area.

   iii.          Residents still had concerns on the specific route.

   iv.          Queried how provision would be made for cycling.

    v.          Queried who would have the final say on the design.

   vi.          Residents wanted public transport provision and asked councillors to petition for this as services were declining.

 vii.          Asked for the busgate to be removed as it separated the estate into two halves. Residents wanted a through route.


The Transport  Assessment Manager responded:

       i.          The County Council had reviewed evidence relating to the advantages/disadvantages of busgate routes (prepared by transport consultants). The through route was suggested as the preferred option to address issues raised by residents.

     ii.          Bus services were a commercial service but the SPD gave an opportunity to pump prime bus services for the area to make them commercially viable in future.

   iii.          The design process for the transport route and consultation would be covered by the outline planning process.


Matter for Decision

The draft Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission (as amended) allocates Land North of Cherry Hinton for residential-led development under Policy 12: Cambridge East. The site extends into South Cambridgeshire and the draft South Cambridgeshire Local Plan, similarly allocates their part of the site for residential-led development under Policy SS/3: Cambridge East.


The Councils, as the Local Planning Authorities, have been working in partnership with local stakeholders to prepare an SPD that looks at how this residential-led allocation can be delivered successfully. The SPD will help guide the development of the area and will provide greater certainty and detail to support delivery of the site. It outlines the aspirations for the area, as well as the key issues, constraints and opportunities that will influence how new development will take place.


The emerging Local Plans for both Councils have now reached the stage of consulting on the Main Modifications identified by the Inspectors that they consider may be necessary in order for the Local Plans to be found ‘sound’. This means the Councils are unable to adopt the Land North of Cherry Hinton SPD until the Local Plans have been found sound and adopted. In the interim period, prior to adoption of the SPD, the Land North of Cherry Hinton SPD provides context and guidance as material consideration in the planning process.


In accordance with the process of preparing an SPD, consultation on the draft SPD was carried out between 7 August and 2 October 2017.


No significant changes are proposed as a result of the consultation. However some minor amendments to the SPD are proposed and are set out in Appendix C of the Officer’s report.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning Policy and Transport

       i.          Agreed the responses to the representations received to the Land North of Cherry Hinton SPD (Appendix B of the Officer’s report) and the consequential amendments to the Land North of Cherry Hinton document (Appendix C);

     ii.          Approved the Land North of Cherry Hinton document (Appendix C) in anticipation of the adoption of the Local Plan, and agreed that it should be carried forward for adoption as a Supplementary Planning Document at the same time as the Local Plan.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Senior Planning Policy Officer.


The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:

       i.          Traffic calming was required in Nuttings Road and Barnwell Road to facilitate bikes crossing these roads and others in the area.

     ii.          Cycling was not easy down Coldhams Lane.

   iii.          Figure 43: “Coldhams Lane” should be “Coldhams Common”.

   iv.          Asked for roads with 40MPH speed limits to be reduced to 30MPH when close to cycle routes.


The Transport Assessment Manager said the following in response to Members’ questions:

       i.          Routes set out in the document had the potential to improve existing arrangements for pedestrians and cyclists.

     ii.          The process to change road speed limits was separate to the SPD process. The Transport Assessment Manager would share the comment with Highways colleagues.

   iii.          P60 set out alternative cycling and pedestrian routes to address concerns about going under the railway bridge.


Proposed amendments to the SPD tabled during DPSSC and agreed at DPSSC.


Item 6. SPD Section


Amend Figure 19

Amend Figure to illustrate growth in the 1800s (as well as the current urban form).

Amend paragraph 3.6

Amend paragraph to read: Further, the site is in easy reach of the new Cambridge North rail station, is approximately 4.55.6km to the north west.

Amend paragraph 3.16

“… Brookfields Health Centre, East Barnwell Health Centre and”

Delete paragraph 5.24

Remove paragraph 5.24 (reference to a bus gate)

Amend Figure 43

Amend potential route along Coldham’s Common to follow the railway line and not cut across playing pitches.

Amend paragraph 5.19

“The Weston Homes development will become the immediate western eastern boundary to the site in this location.”

Amend paragraph 5.95

The preferred locations for the primary and secondary schools are shown indicatively on Figure 5231.

Amend Figure 52

Add missing primary & secondary street options and cycle / pedestrian links


Councillor Sargeant proposed removing the busgate reference and whole of paragraph 5.2.4.


The Committee approved this amendment by 4 votes to 0.


The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations, plus agreed SPD text changes.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations, plus agreed SPD text changes.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.

Publication date: 07/03/2018

Date of decision: 13/02/2018