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Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Housing
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
To agree the budget strategy and timetable for 2018/19, the net savings requirements, by year for the next 5 years, and revised HRA revenue, funding and reserves projections.
Recommendation (a) was chaired by Diana Minns (Vice Chair / Tenant
Representative) and recommendation (b) was chaired by Councillor Todd-Jones
Matter for Decision
The Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Medium Term Financial Strategy
provided an opportunity to review the assumptions incorporated as part of the
longer-term financial planning process, recommending any changes in response to
new legislative requirements, variations in external economic factors and
amendments to service delivery methods, allowing incorporation into budgets and
financial forecasts at the earliest opportunity.
of Executive Councillor for Housing
2.1) Approved the Housing Revenue Account Medium Term Financial Strategy, to
include all proposals for change in:
· Financial assumptions as detailed
in Appendix B of the Officer’s report.
· 2017/18 revenue budgets as introduced
in Section 5 of the Officer’s report, resulting from changes in financial
assumptions and the financial consequences of change, as introduced in Section
5, detailed in Appendix D of the Officer’s report and summarised
in Appendix G of the Officer’s report.
· The revised Rent Setting Policy as
detailed in Appendix L of the Officer’s report.
(Recommendation 2.2) Approved proposals for changes in
existing housing capital budgets, as introduced in Sections 6 and 7 and
detailed in Appendix E of the document, with the resulting position summarised in Appendix H of the document, for decision at
Council on 19th October 2017.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Business Manager and Principal
The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
Suggested that the coming year would be challenging
for tenants.
Stated that members of the public did not
understand the terms such as Local Housing Allowance levels or Social Rents or
Affordable Rents.
Improved media messages would allow people to
understand the constraints on new homes delivery.
Questioned why such high reserves were being
Councillor Cantrill welcomed the strategic approach
but questioned the ability to deliver the 500 new homes target. He suggested
that reserves should be used to address current issues and to deliver 300 homes
in addition to the 200 that were already in the pipeline.
The Strategic Director stated that the timeframe set by Government for
the delivery of the 500 homes required that work be started on site within 5
years rather than 500 new homes completed. The current programme included a
number of small sites. Larger sites were in the pipeline and detailed reports
would follow regarding future projects. She confirmed that the Combined
Authority would hold the City to account for the delivery of new homes.
The Business Manager and Principal Accountant said the following in
response to Members’ questions:
Stated that a budget was in place to buy new homes on the open market,
in the short term, should Right to Buy receipts be in danger of being lost due
to delays in using them.
Confirmed that some units of shared ownership had
proved difficult to sell due to the price and the lack of parking. The units
would be revalued with the options of repricing or conversion to rented
accommodation under consideration.
The move out of the South Area Office had resulted
in savings. However, as no suitable sub-let had been agreed, the savings were
less that those predicted.
Confirmed that reserves were always maintained at a
three million pounds minimum contingency fund. However, levels were currently
higher than expected due to retention of Right to Buy receipts. Delays in the
hand-over of new build properties also increased reserves as final payment had
not been released on the intended dates.
The Strategic Director and the Business Manager and Principal Accountant
the made the following comments in response to Councillor Cantrill’s
suggestion that the depot site on Mill Road could be delivered as 100%
affordable housing:
The identified housing need was for one bed properties and building them
all in one place would not produce a mixed or balanced community.
Other development had been required to offer a mix of housing tenures
and failure to do so on this site would be hard to defend.
The site was a general fund asset the Council had a duty to secure the
best value for such assets. This would impact on any future decisions.
The Committee asked for more information regarding Council owned
garages, such as: who was currently using them, how many were empty and how
many were too small to accommodate modern cars. The Strategic Director
undertook to produce a briefing note on council garage stock.
The Committee resolved by 10 votes to 0 with 2 abstentions to endorse
the recommendation 2.1 (i) in the Officer’s report.
The Committee resolved by 5 votes to 0 with 2 abstentions to endorse the
recommendation 2.2 (ii) in the Officer’s report.
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.
Publication date: 21/12/2017
Date of decision: 21/09/2017