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Decision details

Community Facilities Funding For Refurbishment Of Memorial Hall And Church Hall, Cherry Hinton Road

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Communities., Community Services, East Area Committee, Executive Councillor for Open Spaces and City Services, South Area Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Committees asked to approve spending S106 monies for refurbishment of memorial hall and church hall, Cherry Hinton Road



Record of Executive Decision




Community Facilities Funding For Refurbishment Of Memorial Hall And Church Hall, Cherry Hinton Road



Decision of:

Community Services Committee: Chair, Executive Councillor for Communities and Spokes

East Area Committee: Chair, Vice Chair and Spokes

South Area Committee: Chair, Vice Chair and Spokes



Date of decision: 


Recorded on:


Decision Type: 

Non Key

Matter for Decision:

Committees asked to approve spending S106 monies for refurbishment of memorial hall and church hall, Cherry Hinton Road.

Why the decision had to be made (and any alternative options):

The decision had to be made as this project does not fit into the standard mould. The £150k community facilities S106 grant is based on £100k funding from the Exec Councillor (Communities) plus £25k of devolved funding from each of South and East Area Committees.




Approved the officers’ recommendation for the release of S106 funds to be spent on the project.

Reasons for the decision:

As set out in the Officers Report.


Scrutiny consideration:

Executive Councillor, Chair, Vice Chair and Spokes of Committees were consulted



Conflicts of interest:

No conflicts of interest were declared by Councillors




This S10 decision will be reported back to the next Community Services, East and South Area Committees.



Publication date: 26/07/2017

Date of decision: 24/07/2017