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Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Strategy and Transformation
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
To recommend to The Executive that they recommend to Council budget proposals
for the financial year ended 31 March 2018 in respect of Revenue and Capital,
together with approval of the Capital Plan and its associated funding.
(ii) To agree revised charges, where appropriate, for the year ended 31 March
(iii) To approve remits of any earmarked reserves proposed.
(iv) To approve any delegations arising from items above.
Matter for
Consider the revenue budget proposals in appendix B.
of the Leader and Executive Councillor for Strategy
and Transformation
Supported the revenue
budget proposals in appendix B.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Head of Finance.
Cllr Bick sought clarification on:
The contribution to the Sharing Prosperity Fund (pg 167) – and not knowing the outcomes of projects
The apprenticeships scheme (pg
168) how many would
there be by the end of four years funding and would any be
recruited at the end of training?
Business transformation programme (pg 169)
The Leader
responded regarding the Sharing Prosperity Fund and that it was managed in a
similar way to the Climate Change Fund set up under the Lib Dem
administration. The accountability for
the spending rested with the Ex Cllr for Communities with scrutiny by the
Community Services Scrutiny Committee.
apprenticeships, the Head of Human Resources stated that the initial proposal
of 20 apprentices was revised to 15 and at present it was probable 12 would
complete during the scheme. Two have
completed their apprenticeships. The
scheme was set up with no guarantee of a job at the end of the training, but if
a suitable role was vacant and they were eligible, then they could apply.
On business transformation, the Chief
Executive stated that the funding supported a wide ranging change programme and
it was important that there was an appropriate budget for senior management to
have available to facilitate this change which was delivering long term savings
for the Council.
The Committee resolved by 3 votes to 0 to endorse the recommendation.
The Executive Councillor
approved the recommendation.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest were
declared by the Executive Councillor.
Publication date: 21/03/2017
Date of decision: 23/01/2017