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Decision Maker: Planning
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Committee received a request to vary the Section 106 Agreement made in association with planning permission 09/0141/FUL (for change of use from hotel (class C1) to hotel (class C1) or student accommodation (sui generis) in the alternative) at 139 Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, to allow the provision of open space and recreation facilities on College sites rather than via a financial contribution.
Members were asked to agree to the variation proposed to the Section106 Agreement made in association with planning application 09/0141/FUL, and thus permit appropriate open space and recreation facilities to be provided on College sites rather than through a financial contribution.
The Committee:
Unanimously resolved to accept the officer recommendation to agree to the variation proposed to the Section106 Agreement.
Report author: Tony Collins
Publication date: 14/09/2016
Date of decision: 31/08/2016
Decided at meeting: 31/08/2016 - Planning
Accompanying Documents: