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Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control, and Infrastructure
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
Agree content of the Planning and Development Brief prior to adoption by Full Council.
Matter for Decision
consider and comment before decision by the Executive Councillor for Planning
Policy and Transport.
Decision of Executive Councillor for
Planning Policy and Transport
Agreed the responses to the representations
received to the Ridgeons site, Cromwell Road Planning
and Development Brief (Appendix A) and the consequential amendments to the Ridgeons site, Cormwell Road
Planning and Development Brief Supplementary Planning Document (Appendix B);
Approved the Ridgeons
site, Cromwell Road Planning and Development Brief (AppendixB)
in anticipation of the adoption of the Local Plan, and agreed that it should be
carried forward for adoption as a Supplementary Planning Document at the same
time as the Local Plan subject to the amendment of principle 12 on p170 to
include ‘failing that, safety requirements to two existing crossings’.
Reasons for the Decision
set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations
The Committee
received a report from the Urban Design and Conservation Manager. Figure 123 on page 178 of the report was replaced
due to the incorrect drawing being included in the report.
The Committee made
the following comments in response to the report:
Questioned what the consensus was at the start of
the process with regard to the mix of housing that would be constructed.
Expressed concern regarding school provision in the
area and the absence of a strategy.
Questioned whether public information regarding the
consultation process, in particular what comments would be deemed relevant to
the consultation could be improved.
Raised concerns regarding car parking at the
proposed development.
Questioned the rationale behind a “marker
Questioned why existing schools could not be
enlarged, in particular St Phillips Church of England Primary School.
Emphasised the need to be clear and robust with
Cambridgeshire County Council regarding school provision and the options
assessment being undertaken, in order to ensure that the data used was of the
highest quality.
Questioned what the consequences would be if
Cambridgeshire County Council failed to produce a school strategy that was
Questioned whether other railway crossings that
were close by could be improved as they were of poor quality and item 12 on
page 170 of the report be amended to include making safety improvements to the
existing 2 railway crossings if it was not feasible for a new bridge to be
The Urban Design and Conservation Manger and the Planning Policy Manager
said the following in response to Members questions:
Options regarding the density of housing and mix of
housing types had been modelled. The
modelling had demonstrated that a traditional terrace would achieve a higher
density of housing but at the expense of green space and sustainable
drainage. The mix of housing could still
vary up to the detailed planning stage.
Education provision had been addressed as part of
the Local Plan with Cambridgeshire County Council and work was taking place
between both authorities to develop an education strategy. Officers noted the need for a robust strategy
that was based on good quality data.
Consultations could often become a catch-all for
issues concerning the public and it was important that the public were not
discouraged from participating in the consultation process. Although it was unfortunate that some
responses were not relevant with regard to the proposed development they were
useful in a broader context.
Car parking was a difficult balance to achieve and
the number of cars parked would largely depend on the eventual mix of housing
types. A consultant had been employed to
review current and future car parking arrangements and officers were confident
that car parking was manageable.
The marker building was designed to terminate the
view and was an opportunity for something creative and different that would
define the area.
Improvements to the existing 2 railway crossings
would be included in the document.
The Committee
unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.
The Executive Councillor
approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the
Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of
interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.
Publication date: 30/08/2016
Date of decision: 04/07/2016