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Decision details

Assurance Framework, Draft Annual Governance Statement and Draft Code of Corporate Governance 2015/16

Decision Maker: Civic Affairs

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To note the arrangements for compiling the AGS and review the draft AGS and action plan.


The committee received a report from the Head of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer and the Head of Internal Audit regarding the

Assurance Framework, Draft Annual Governance Statement and the Draft Code of Corporate Governance 2015/16.


In response to members’ questions the Principal Auditor said the following:

i.             Confirmed that a paragraph could be included to introduce the action plan and explain which actions are to address issues that had arisen and which actions are to address future challenges the Council faced.

ii.            Confirmed that a paragraph would be included detailing the relationship issue with Cambridge Live and the bonfire night incident.

iii.           A follow up of the Homelessness review referred to on page 103 of the agenda pack has just started and whilst all actions on the plan had been marked as complete on the Council’s Risk Register, the Audit team are required to get evidence to support this.


Councillor Robertson commented that homelessness was an issue across the Country.


Councillor Cantrill commented that homelessness was a big issue and Winter Comfort had seen an increase in the number of homeless people. More homeless people were coming and were being sent to Cambridge.  


Resolved (unanimously):


i.             To note the arrangements for compiling, reporting on and signing the Annual Governance Statement (AGS).

ii.            Reviewed the draft AGS and incorporated action plan (Appendix A) and had regard to the Head of Internal Audit Annual Opinion.

iii.           To make the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive aware of any issue or amendments required to be made to the draft AGS and action plan prior to the approval of the final AGS and action plan. 

iv.          Recommended to Council to approve the Code of Corporate Governance (Appendix B) on the 14 July 2016.


Report author: Simon Pugh

Publication date: 01/08/2016

Date of decision: 29/06/2016

Decided at meeting: 29/06/2016 - Civic Affairs

Accompanying Documents: