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Decision Maker: Leader of the Council
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
Agree to:
· Undertake a governance review.
· Prepare and publish a scheme for consultation to establish a combined authority.
Matter for Decision
The Officer’s report presented the outcome of
negotiations with government about a Devolution Deal for Cambridgeshire and
Decision of the Leader
the content of the Devolution Deal proposal (attached at Appendix A).
the conclusions and outcome of the Governance Review (attached at Appendix B),
that the establishment of a Combined Authority with a Mayor for the
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough area would be likely to improve the exercise of
statutory functions in that area.
in principle, the Governance Scheme (attached at Appendix C) and requested the
Chief Executive to undertake appropriate consultation on its content.
to convene a meeting of Full Council to take place in October 2016 to consider the
results of the consultation exercise and whether to give consent for the
Secretary of State to bring forward an Order establishing a Combined Authority
with a Mayor covering that area of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
Over the next three months to
(a) develop a delivery plan for
building at least 500 new council homes using the £70m allocated in the deal
for affordable housing in Cambridge (the Cambridge Housing Plan), working with
the Government, and in consultation with other partners (see para 11 of the
Devolution Deal proposal);
(b) contribute to work by South Cambridgeshire and
the other partner councils in the Combined Authority on a plan for delivering
2,000 homes using the £100m allocated in the deal for this purpose (see para 20
of the devolution proposal).
Requested officers prepared a workable scheme for politically
balanced scrutiny by City Council members of decisions taken by its
representative on the Combined Authority, including pre-scrutiny where this
is practical.
Officers are asked to bring proposals to Civic Affairs after consulting group
leaders, before the first full meeting of the Combined Authority, with a
view to recommendations to full Council.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations
Councillor Herbert proposed and Councillor Price seconded the following amendments:
(iv) with
If the above are approved, resolve to convene a meeting of Full Council to take
place in October 2016 to consider the results of the consultation exercise and
whether to give consent for the Secretary of State to bring forward an Order
establishing a Combined Authority with a Mayor covering that area of
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
On a show of hands
this was agreed by 24 votes to 0.
And add a new
clause v):
Over the next three months
(a) develop a delivery plan for building at least 500 new
council homes using the £70m allocated in the deal for affordable housing in
Cambridge (the Cambridge Housing Plan), working with the Government, and in
consultation with other partners (see para 11 of the Devolution Deal proposal);
contribute to work by South Cambridgeshire and the other partner councils in
the Combined Authority on a plan for delivering 2,000 homes using the £100m
allocated in the deal for this purpose (see para 20 of the devolution
On a show of hands
this was agreed unanimously
Councillor Bick
proposed and Councillor Cantrill seconded the following amendments:
To note that, while the housing measures in the Devolution Deal are moves in a
positive direction, they are proportionately small and uncertain contributions
mitigating the recent serious destabilisation of affordable and social housing
supply in our area in the wider context of both the council's 2012 HRA 30 year
Business Plan ambition for 2000 extra social homes and the potential for the
gains offered in this Deal to be offset by a national government housing
policy, which is still unclear; and to therefore request officers to prepare an
updated negotiating position with government to further and more fully meet
local needs for approval at or before the October full council meeting which
will consider the current Deal.
a show of hands this was lost by 13 votes to 21.
To request officers to prepare a workable scheme for politically balanced
scrutiny by City Council members of decisions taken by its representative on
the Combined Authority, including pre-scrutiny where this is practical.
are asked to bring proposals to Civic Affairs after consulting group leaders, before
the first full meeting of the Combined Authority, with a view to
recommendations to full Council.
On a show of hands this was
agreed unanimously.
The amended recommendation
was therefore put to the vote:
the content of the Devolution Deal proposal (attached at Appendix A).
the conclusions and outcome of the Governance Review (attached at Appendix B),
that the establishment of a Combined Authority with a Mayor for the
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough area would be likely to improve the exercise of
statutory functions in that area.
in principle, the Governance Scheme (attached at Appendix C) and requested the
Chief Executive to undertake appropriate consultation on its content.
a show of hands recommendation i-iii were approved by
23 votes to 8.
resolve to convene, if appropriate, a further meeting of Full Council to take
place in October 2016 to consider the results of the consultation exercise and
whether to give consent for the Secretary of State to bring forward an Order
establishing a Combined Authority with a Mayor covering that area of
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
On a show of hands this was agreed
Over the next three months to
(a) develop a delivery plan for building
at least 500 new council homes using the £70m allocated in the deal for
affordable housing in Cambridge (the Cambridge Housing Plan), working with the
Government, and in consultation with other partners (see para 11 of the
Devolution Deal proposal);
(b) contribute to work by South Cambridgeshire and
the other partner councils in the Combined Authority on a plan for delivering
2,000 homes using the £100m allocated in the deal for this purpose (see para 20
of the devolution proposal).
On a show of hands this was agreed by 34
votes to 0.
To request officers prepared a workable scheme for politically
balanced scrutiny by City Council members of decisions taken by its
representative on the Combined Authority, including pre-scrutiny where this
is practical.
Officers are asked to bring proposals to Civic Affairs after consulting group
leaders, before the first full meeting of the Combined Authority, with a
view to recommendations to full Council.
On a show of hands this was agreed unanimously.
The Leader approved the amended recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest
were declared by the Executive Councillor.
Publication date: 28/06/2016
Date of decision: 27/06/2016