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Decision details

Implementation of the National Joint Council Pay Award for 2016-18

Decision Maker: Civic Affairs

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To implement the National Joint Council Pay Award for 2016-18


Officer Record of Decision


What decision(s) has been taken:

To implement the National Joint Council Pay Award for 2016-18

Who made the decision:

Strategic Director

Date decision made: 

18 May 2016

Matter for Decision /Wards affected

Decision delegated from Civic Affairs Committee

Reason(s) for the decision including any background papers considered

Any alternative options considered and rejected:



To implement the nationally agreed pay award to staff on pay Bands 1-10, following receipt of notification by circular from the National Joint Council dated 16 May 2016.




Pay awards for staff on pay grades Band 1-10 are agreed at a national level by collective bargaining between the national employers and trade unions. Once agreed at a national level the City Council implements the pay award in accordance with the terms of staff contracts of employment.



Conflicts of interest and dispensations granted by the Chief Executive:



Other Comments:


This decision is taken in accordance with the delegated authority from Civic Affairs Committee to the Director of Business Transformation (on this occasion Chief Executive), as follows:


To implement any award of a joint negotiating body so far as it concerns rates of salary, wages, car allowances or other allowances payable to officers and other employees of the Council except where the terms thereof involve the exercise of a discretion by the Council provided that when any action is taken in pursuance of this paragraph members are advised by the Director of Resources and a record of that advice be made available to the public.



To be completed by Democratic Services

Contact for further information:

Deborah Simpson, Head of Human Resources.


Publication date: 20/05/2016

Date of decision: 20/05/2016