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Decision details

Environmental Improvement Programme

Decision Maker: South Area Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To determine a programme of further Environmental Improvements for South area in 2016-17.


The Committee received a report from the Senior Engineer regarding the Environmental Improvement Programme (EIP). The report outlined progress of existing schemes and possible further scheme allocations for 2016/17.


Existing Schemes: Progress

The Senior Engineer referred to progress on approved schemes as set out in his report.


New Schemes That Require Decisions

In the absence of any new scheme applications from the latest invitation round, Members considered a number of suggestions put forward in 2014-15.


Members of the public made the following comments in response to the report:

       i.          Requested Project S6 Red Cross Lane dropped kerb be deferred as it would lead to pedestrian/cycle conflict. Asked for project details to be revised then brought back later in the year.

     ii.          Funding had been allocated to various verge projects, but they were once again back in a poor state of repair. There seemed little point in allocating funding to other verge projects.

   iii.          Asked for EIP funded noticeboards to be erected where people gathered, so the boards would be noticed eg at bus stops and the Co-op on Hills Road.


In response to Members’ questions the Senior Engineer answered:

       i.                    EIP was refocused in 2015 on smaller projects that fell outside the normal work of the City Council and County Council, but could be delivered by the City Council. Projects had been delayed in the past where there were dependencies on partner organisations.

     ii.                    EIP was now separate from Local Highways Improvement funding. EIP could top up areas that needed improvement outside of core highways responsibilities and functions, but it should not replace funding for normal responsibilities eg s106 from the planning process.

   iii.                    Local Highways Improvement funding was the responsibility of the County Council. EIP was the responsibility of the City Council.


Members requested a change to the recommendations. Councillor Ashton formally proposed the 2016/17 allocation be equally split between the three South Area wards for Ward Councilors to nominate which projects should receive funding.


The Senior Engineer said that funding could be nominated off-line, but it needed to be formally allocated (eg at a meeting) by the South Area Committee.


This amendment was agreed (unanimously).


Following discussion, Members resolved (unanimously):

       i.                    Noted the utilisation of £4,500 of remaining South Area EIP funding to the provision and maintenance of 26 hanging baskets along Cherry Hinton High Street during 2015-16.

     ii.                    Trumpington Ward Councillors to consider off-line the allocation of additional funding (up to £10,000) towards the existing committed scheme to improve street trees in Bateman Street.

   iii.                    To allocate funding from the 2014-15 programme year, and additional funding available for 2016-17, to S3 and S6 on the list of previously proposed projects in Appendix A of the Officer’s report. Subject to:

·       S3 to consider a planted area instead of a post or bollard.

·       S6 specifications to be re-worked.

·       S1, S2, S4, S5 and S7 projects not to receive funding.

   iv.                    Not to progress with an outstanding commitment to introduce controls on verge parking in Mowbray Road and Fendon Road. Funding to be reallocated to a different ward project(s).

    v.                    Discounted remaining funding allocations set out in recommendations on P101 of the Officer’s report. The 2016/17 allocation would be equally split between the three South Area wards for Ward Councilors to nominate which projects should receive funding. Funding would be allocated by the South Area Committee in future. Subject to the schemes being deliverable, obtaining consents necessary, positive consultation where required and final approval by Ward Councillors.

   vi.                    Noted the progress of existing schemes listed in Appendix C of this report.

 vii.                    To consider a second EIP application invitation round during 2016-17 to utilise any funding uncommitted from the present round plus any savings arising from the delivery of previously committed schemes.

Report author: John Richards

Publication date: 25/05/2016

Date of decision: 18/04/2016

Decided at meeting: 18/04/2016 - South Area Committee

Accompanying Documents: