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Decision details

Akeman Street

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Housing

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Approve an indicative project for a redevelopment; a budget and a delegated authority to proceed.


Matter for Decision

The report provided details of the proposal to redevelop the shops and flats at 74-82 Akeman Street to provide 10 new homes.  The area currently consisted of 5 No. commercial units with flats above and associated land to the rear.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Housing

             i.        Noted the indicative mix of the proposed scheme.

            ii.        Approved the scheme capital budget of £1,985,510 as detailed in the report to cover the construction cost of the scheme and professional fees and other costs, also noting that a final scheme will be brought back to committee for scrutiny and approval. 

           iii.        Approved that delegated authority be given to the Director of Customer and Community Services following consultation with the Head of Legal Services to seal a contract with the chosen contractor following procurement in accordance with Council regulations.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Head of Strategic Housing. The Committee noted an error in the recommendations. Recommendation ii should have read £1,985,510 as at 4 (a) of the report.


The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:

     i.        Welcomed the report.

    ii.        Suggested that the development would help to break down social barriers in the area.

   iii.        Suggested that at a time of housing need, there was an opportunity to increase the density of the site without losing the quality.

  iv.        The commercial units were an asset to the community and should be retained if possible.


The Chair stated that this was an important site for meeting community needs in an ethnically mixed area. The final scheme might be quite different to the original plan. It was hoped that there would be an opportunity for tenants being decanted to return, if they wished, once the scheme was completed.


The Committee resolved by 6 votes to 2 to endorse the amended recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.

Publication date: 22/02/2016

Date of decision: 13/01/2016