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Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Housing
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
Decision to be made is the approach that will be taken to recharging the costs of the proposed new building cleaning contract.
Matter for Decision
The agreement that the increased cost of
the building and cleaning services be passed onto Tenants and Leaseholders.
Decision of the
Executive Councillor for Housing:
Agreed that the increased cost of building
cleaning services provided on behalf of tenants of the HRA, be passed onto
tenants in a phased manner, with charge increase being applicable in three
stages in August 2015, April 2016 and April 2017 at which full cost recovery
will have been achieved.
Agreed that the increased cost of building
cleaning services provided on behalf of leaseholders of the HRA, be passed on
to leaseholders through the standard estimates and actuals process, with the full
cost first appearing as part of the actual costs for 2015/16, which will be
calculated and communicated to leaseholders in September 2016 and included as
an adjustment in the estimates for 2017/18, at which point the full cost
recovery will be achieved. The cost for
any new services will be implemented as part of the 2016/17 estimates process,
to be payable from April 2016.
iii. Agreed
the charges for tenants living in category II sheltered housing schemes do not
receive any charge changes mid-year, but instead have the charges for services
provided to them reviewed from April 2016 as part of the usual service charge
setting process, with inflationary increase passed on, if applicable, in an
attempt to continue to recover the full cost of providing services.
The Committee received a report from the Business Manager /
Principal Accountant. The report presented a summary of the financial and
operational impact for the Housing Revenue Account, and its tenants and
leaseholders following the procurement of a new building cleaning contractor.
The report highlighted the financial impact of the new
contract for both tenants and leaseholders and made proposals for some
mitigation, by passing on any increase in a phased manner over a period of
Diane Best, Leaseholder Representative requested the
following be minuted:
Agreed there had been a need to pay for the
services however the contract only started in June 2015 and it was
disappointing that the standard of service had regressed back to the level of
service in 2009. The specification
should provide value for money but unfortunately this was not what was being
In response to questions from the Committee, the Business
Manager / Principal Accountant and the Director of Customer and Community
Services stated the following:
The decision for the Committee was how the
Council phased in the increases for the building cleaning contract; it was not
a decision as to whether to approve the contract as a whole as this decision had
already been made.
Thanked the Leaseholder/Tenant Representatives
for raising concerns regarding the implementation of the new contract. A meeting would be arranged with the
Contractor, the new Contract Manager and the Tenant Representatives to discuss the
standards of the contract to ensure that the standards improved.
iii. There
was a break clause within the contract which could be exercised if the
contractor did not perform the requirements of the contract satisfactorily.
The Committee:
unanimously to approve the recommendation.
The Executive Councillor for Housing approved the
Conflicts of Interest
Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted).
No conflicts were declared by the Executive Councillor.
Publication date: 31/07/2015
Date of decision: 30/06/2015