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Decision details

Delegated Director decision

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Housing

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Director of Community and Customers Services has agreed to purchase this property under the delegated authority.



Officer Executive Decision - Record


Please return this form and any background papers to Democratic Services for adding to the Council’s records of decision for publication.



Decision(s) taken:        To buy back 34 Aylesborough Close

Decision of:        Director of Community and Customer Services

Date of decision:                   8 May 2015                 

Matter for Decision:     The acquisition of a dwelling in the city, in line with the HRA Acquisition and Disposal Policy

Any alternative options considered and rejected:    No alternatives were considered.


Reason(s) for the decision including any background papers considered:          The Housing Act 2004 introduced the ‘Right of First Refusal’ (RFR) which enables local authorities the first opportunity to ‘buy back’ properties being sold by former tenants who acquired the property under the Right to Buy (RTB).  The Act came into effect on the 18 January 2005. The Council had 8 weeks to determine whether to enact this right and a following 12 weeks to complete on the purchase should they opt to. On this occasion, the owner occupier had approached the Council directly with a view to the Council re-acquiring the property


Conflicts of interest and dispensations granted by the Chief Executive:    If you consider that any councillor consulted when being asked to take a decision has a conflict of interest, you should consult Simon Pugh, Head of Legal Services for advice as a dispensation granted by the Chief Executive for the councillor may be arranged.



Other Comments:       


Reference:          TBC

Contact for further information:     Julia Hovells



Publication date: 02/06/2015

Date of decision: 08/05/2015