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Decision details

Assurance Framework, Draft Annual Governance Statement and Draft Code of Corporate Governance 2013-14

Decision Maker: Civic Affairs

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Review the draft Annual Governance Statement and Action Plan and approve Code of Corporate Governance.


The committee received a report from the Head of Legal Services regarding the Assurance Framework, Draft Annual Governance Statement and Draft Code of Corporate Governance 2013-14.


In response to members’ questions the Head of Legal Services and the Chief Executive said the following:


       i.          A full risk assessment and robust business planning would form part of any decision on potential shared services. Internal Audit would also be involved in any project teams prior to it going to the relevant Scrutiny Committee for a final decision.

     ii.          The City Council worked hard to ensure that local residents could interact and engage with the democratic process.

   iii.          Acknowledged the need for shared service arrangements to reflect the values, aspirations and service standards of the City Council. Agreed that this be reflected in the Action Plan.

   iv.          Acknowledged the need to report back on the new budget setting arrangements. Agreed that a report be brought back to the committee when the new Head of Finance was in post.


In response to members’ questions the Head of Human Resources said the following:


       i.          The City Council had Investors in People accreditation since 1995 and there was a requirement to review this every 3 years. The next full assessment would take place in 2015.


Resolved (unanimously):


     ii.          To note the arrangements for compiling, reporting on and signing the Annual Governance Statement. 


   iii.          That the Council approves the Code of Corporate Governance (Appendix B of the officer’s report) at Full Council on 24th July. 


   iv.          That a report on the budget setting process be brought back to a future meeting.




Report author: Simon Pugh

Publication date: 08/07/2014

Date of decision: 25/06/2014

Decided at meeting: 25/06/2014 - Civic Affairs

Accompanying Documents: