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Decision details

Future Management Arrangements for Cambridge Folk Festival and Cambridge Corn Exchange

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Communities.

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Consideration of future management options for Cambridge Folk Festival and Cambridge Corn Exchange.


Matter for Decision:  

The report outlined a proposal to establish an alternative delivery mechanism for elements of the Arts & Recreation Service, namely the Cambridge Corn Exchange, Cambridge Folk Festival, and outdoor events. The report was based on a study completed by consultants Bates Wells Braithwaite, (BWB) in association with Festivals & Events International (FEI). Officers recommend a Trust is established on the basis of the business case and an analysis of the risks and benefits in relation to the options available to the Council. The report highlights the issues that will need to be addressed and a process for taking these forward.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Community Wellbeing:


The Executive Councillor resolved:


     i.        To approve in principle the establishment of a Trust to run Cambridge Corn Exchange, Cambridge Folk Festival and other events, and to authorise work to progress this, subject to further decisions required as part of iii. below (recommendation 2.3 of the Officer’s report).

    ii.        To approve that a Working Group should be set up as outlined in section 3.10 of the Officer’s report, to support the work involved in the implementation stage.

   iii.        To agree that the following further work (see section 3.10 of the officer’s report) which has wider implications for the Council, is progressed in discussion with the relevant Directors and the Working Group prior to discussion at Strategy & Resources Scrutiny Committee and final authorisation by the Executive Councillor for Customer Services and Resources:

§  Management of  transfer of staff

§  Funding Agreement

§  Agreement of property, land use and other rights

§  Expectations and relationships between the Council and the Trust

  iv.        To delegate authority for all other decisions necessary to implement and establish the Trust (including the appointment of a Chair) to the Director of Customer and Community Services in discussion with the Working Group.

   v.        To acknowledge the indicative timetable for implementation, and agree that this may be varied in accordance with the delegation in iv. above.

  vi.        To bring forward proposals to the autumn 2014 committee cycle for a refreshed programme of outdoor events.


Reason for the Decision:

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations:

The Committee received a report from the Head of Arts and Recreation regarding the future management arrangements for the Cambridge Folk Festival and Cambridge Corn Exchange.


The Director of Customer and Community Services outlined further the rationale behind the proposal. She stated that the current delivery method was not sustainable in the long term. She stated that public consultation, over a number of years, had indicated public support for the events but had consistently highlighted unhappiness about any financial subsidy to support the events.


The Strategy and Partnerships Manager would be asked to circulate details of public consultation using the Citizen Survey.


In response to questions from the Committee, the Head of Arts and Recreation confirmed the following:


     i.        A decision to move to an arms-length trust should be regarded as permanent as it would be very difficult undo once agreed.

    ii.        The relationship of the Trust Board and the Council would be key.

   iii.        A strong board with a range of skills would be needed.

  iv.        The model had been adopted successfully elsewhere.

   v.        The decision was based on securing the future of the events rather than looking for savings.

  vi.        Trade Unions had been involved in the early discussions and risks to staff had been considered.

 vii.        A working group would set the ethos for staff and good relationships had already been established.

viii.        The financial separation of the trust could include a 5 year capped subsidy which could be reduced if not needed. Some degree of flexibility would be needed.

  ix.        Whilst it was anticipated the remaining outdoor events programme would run ‘as is’ in 2015 via the Trust, a review would take place in 2014 to determine future arrangements


The Committee resolved by 4 votes to 0 to endorse the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.


Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)

Not applicable.


Publication date: 02/04/2014

Date of decision: 13/03/2014