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Decision details

Council New Build Programme - Wadloes Road Scheme Approval

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Housing

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To approve the scheme be taken forward into development.


Matter for Decision: The report provided details of the redevelopment of Atkins Close garages and a currently vacant site on Wadloes Road.  In keeping with the model for the redevelopment of Council sites, mixed tenure schemes are proposed and to be developed with the Council’s new house-builder/developer partner, Keepmoat. These sites in the Council new build programme are brought forward now in order that the proposed can be discussed with local residents and stakeholders to ensure that the new schemes can be completed by October 2014. 


Decision of the Executive Councillor:


The Executive Councillor resolved to:


For the following scheme:


Atkins Close garage site


       i.          Note the indicative mix, design and layout of the schemes and that they are subject to planning approval.


       i.          Approve the scheme capital budget highlighted in the officer’s report to cover the construction cost of the scheme and professional quantity surveyor fees. 


     ii.          Approve that delegated authority be given to the Director of Customer and Community Services following consultation with the Director of Resources and the Head of Legal Services to seal a Development Agreement with our preferred house-builder/developer partner.


For the following scheme:


Wadloes Road


   iii.          Note the indicative mix, design and layout of the schemes and that they are subject to planning approval, subject to consultation with immediate residents.


   iv.          Approve the scheme capital budget highlighted in the report to cover the construction cost of the scheme and professional quantity surveyor fees. 


    v.          Approve that delegated authority be given to the Director of Customer and Community Services following consultation with the Director of Resources and the Head of Legal Services to seal a Development Agreement with our preferred house-builder/developer partner.


Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report


Any alternative options considered and rejected: As set out in the officer’s report


Scrutiny Considerations:

The committee received a report from the Head of Strategic Housing.


In response to members questions on the Atkins Close garage site the Head of Strategic Housing and the Development Officer (Growth) confirmed the following:


       i.          Neighbourhood consultation had been undertaken on the scheme in January and had received positive feedback.

     ii.          Whilst the play area opposite the garage site was not well used, concern had been raised about the loss of play provision in general. However, indicative plans for a new play area within the new development had formed part of the consultation and received positive feedback from the public.

   iii.          Discussions were ongoing with officers in the Streets and Open Spaces Team regarding new play provision.  

   iv.          Only 5 of the 14 garages were currently occupied and alternative sites were being offered to those users.

    v.          As part of the process for a ‘change of use’ the Council had to demonstrate that the current use of the site could not be maintained.


In response to members questions on the Wadloes Road scheme the Head of Strategic Housing and the Development Officer (Growth) confirmed the following:


       i.          No formal engagement had been undertaken with local residents to date. However, if approved, the scheme would go through a robust process of neighbourhood engagement at the pre-application and formal planning application stages.


On the proposal of Councillor Kightley, the committee agreed that the two schemes be voted on separately.


Councillor O’Reilly highlighted the need for local residents to be consulted on the Wadloes Road scheme prior to the pre-application and formal planning application stages.


Councillor O’Reilly proposed the following minor amendment to the Wadloes Road scheme recommendation (addition underlined):


       i.          Note the indicative mix, design and layout of the schemes and that they are subject to planning approval, subject to consultation with immediate residents.


The committee endorsed the proposed amendment.


The Scrutiny Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations for the Atkins Road garage site by 4 votes to 0.


The Scrutiny Committee considered and endorsed the amended recommendations for the Wadloes Road scheme by 4 votes to 0.


The Executive Councillor approved the amended recommendations.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted):

Not applicable.


Publication date: 18/06/2013

Date of decision: 14/03/2013