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Decision Maker: Leader of the Council
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To approve the actions for year two of the Single Equality Scheme (2013/14).
Matter for Decision: To consider the Annual Review of the
Council’s Single Equality Scheme (2012 to 2015).
Decision of the Leader
The Leader resolved to:
Note the progress and
achievements during the first year of the City Council’s Single Equality
Approve the actions for the
second year of the City Council’s Single Equality Scheme.
Reasons for the
Decision: As set out in the officer’s report
Any alternative
options considered and rejected: As set out in the officer’s report
The committee received a report regarding the Annual Review
of the Council’s Single Equality Scheme (2012-2015) presented by the Strategy
and Partnerships Manager.
The committee made the following comments on the report
The Leader was asked to comment on the quality
and robustness of the existing equalities impact assessment (EQIA) process. The
Leader explained that the process was under constant evolution and responded to
challenges as they arose.
The Leader was questioned on how the Council was
proposing to respond to the census results, which indicated a significant increase
in the BME and non-white British communities in Cambridge. The suggestion of
reviewing the employment targets was welcomed. The Leader welcomed the comments
and agreed that the Council would need to review a wide range of issues as more
detailed information becomes available through the census process.
Clarification was requested on the reference to
2011 on page 108 of the committee report, and whether it should actually refer
to 2001. The error was noted.
Concern was expressed that white minority ethnic
groups could be “hidden” in certain statistical approaches.
Support was expressed for the suggestion in the
Leaders introduction that training should be provided to Councillors on mental
health issues.
Concern was expressed that engagement with the
limited number of references to traveller communities in the report. It was
suggested that members of the community may be resistant to identifying
themselves as such due to the risk of discrimination. The committee were
advised that Cambridge was an important Romany location, as Midsummers Fair was
one of major gathering points for the community during the year. The Strategy
and Partnerships Manager welcomed the comments and outlined the range of
engagement undertaken across the Council by officer, and agreed that
information in the plan could be expanded.
Greater engagement was requested with South
Cambridgeshire District Council on gypsy and traveller issues. The Head of
Strategic Housing explained that there was already extensive engagement, and
that it was hoped to identify suitable sites through the local plan processes
in each authority.
The committee also noted the significant
engagement undertaken by the City Council with the traveller community in
preparation for the Holocaust Memorial Day.
The difficulties in identifying potentially
obscured issues in the EQIA process were highlighted. A specific issue with a
recent assessment prepared for the Public Toilet Working Party which had not
considered any issues regarding gender re-assignment was highlighted. The
Strategy and Partnerships Manager acknowledged the concern, and explained the
approach taken in the preparation of assessments. The committee were assured
that officers were encouraged to seek advice where appropriate in preparing
The Scrutiny Committee considered the recommendation and
endorsed it by 4 votes to 0.
The Leader approved the recommendation.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Leader (and any
Dispensations Granted):
Not applicable.
Publication date: 18/06/2013
Date of decision: 09/04/2013