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Decision details

Repairs and Maintenance Improvement Plan - Authority to Procure New IT Solutions

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Housing

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Permission to proceed with procurement of new IT for the Repairs and Maintenance service.


Matter for Decision: To consider the Repairs and Maintenance Improvement Plan - Progress to date and permission to procure associated IT solutions report.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Housing:


i.  To give delegated authority to the Director of Customer & Community Services, following consultation with the Director of Resources, Executive Councillor for Housing, the Chair and Opposition Spokesperson(s) for Community Services, to select the most appropriate procurement route, whether that be by virtue of waiver of the requirements of the contract procedure rules (wherepermissible), direct contract or mini competition from an existing framework agreement, or by full tender exercise, and if appropriate to tender and award contracts for the provision of new IT hardware and systems for the Repairs and Maintenance Service as outlined in paragraph 3.4 and 3.5 of the committee report.


Reason for the Decision:


As per the officer report



Any alternative options considered and rejected:


Not Applicable


Scrutiny Considerations:


Not Applicable


Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)




Publication date: 21/02/2013

Date of decision: 15/10/2012