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Decision Maker: Civic Affairs
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The committee received a report from the Director of
Resources regarding the review of the effectiveness of the systems of internal
The committee made the following comments on the report
i. The work undertaken by Internal Audit
was welcomed.
ii. Officers were questioned on whether
there were further opportunities to share the outcomes of reviews, in order to
increase the understanding of the work undertaken by the team. The Director of
Resources outlined some specific limitations in expanding the sharing of
outcomes, however agreed that further work was required to ensure that where
appropriate review outcomes could be easily accessed.
iii. The Director of Resources was also asked,
whether the current structure allowed the Internal Audit function to operate as
independently as possible from the management structure where required. The
Director of Resources explained that whilst the Head of Internal Audit was line
managed by the Director of Resource, they had direct access to the Chief
Executive and other senior managers
iv. The use of the term “Audit Committee”
throughout the document was highlighted as potentially confusing. The Director
of Resources explained that the document had been produced using a national
template, however it was agreed that in future the term Civic Affairs would be
used throughout.
v. Clarification was requested on the
likely format for the committee handbook. The Head of Internal Audit explained
that document would be 20/25 pages long, and contain information related to the
remit of the committee.
Resolved (Unanimously)
i. Note the “Review of the Effectiveness of
Internal Audit 2011/12”.
Report author: Steve Crabtree
Publication date: 04/02/2013
Date of decision: 27/06/2012
Decided at meeting: 27/06/2012 - Civic Affairs
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