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Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Housing
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
To approve that a number of schemes be taken forward into development.
Matter for Decision: To consider scheme approvals in the Council
New Build Programme.
Decision of
Executive Councillor for Housing:
The Executive
Councillor resolved to
i. Note
the indicative mix, design and layout of the schemes and that they are subject
to planning approval.
ii. Approve
the scheme capital budget highlighted in the report to cover the Construction
Cost of the scheme; Home Loss Payments to tenants and leaseholders and
professional quantity surveyor fees.
iii. Approve
that delegated authority be given to the Director of Customer and Community
Services following consultation with the Director of Resources and the Head of
Legal Services to seal a Development Agreement with our preferred
house-builder/developer partner.
For the following
a. Aylesborough
Close Ph 1 (1-8a and 39-50 Aylesborough Close and adjacent garages)
b. Water Lane
(6-14a Water Lane and 238-246 Green End Road)
c. Stanesfield Road
Scouts Hut
Reason for the
As per the officer
Any alternative
options considered and rejected:
Not Applicable
The committee
received a report from the Head of Strategic Housing regarding the Affordable
Housing Scheme.
The committee made
following comments
i. Councillors
were encouraged to vote against the schemes for Water Lane and Green End Road.
ii. The
proposals were presented as a done deal.
iii. The
use of affordable rent levels as the method for calculating rents would result
in significant increases in rent levels vis a vis the existing stock.
iv. A
“life changing” decision should not be made until sufficient information was
available to make a properly informed decision.
v. In
comparison to the information supplied to Councillors in other forums such as
through the planning policy process, the information supplied was insufficient
to make an informed decision.
vi. Concern
that some residents had already resigned themselves to moving.
vii. The
process was flawed and adversely affected the most vulnerable members of
The Executive
Councillor addressed the comments received, and explained that it was a tricky
job for Ward Councillor to balance the needs of their residents against the
wider needs of the city. The committee were reminded that it had the
responsibility for scrutinising the strategic overview of housing in the city.
The Executive
Councillor explained that she didn’t normally attend residents meetings,
because her attendance didn’t assist residents but was willing to attend when
requested by residents.
The Head of
Strategic Housing confirmed that an equalities assessment was not produced for
each scheme, but had been for the programme of 146 new homes. The Head of
Strategic Housing and the Director of Customer and Community Services outlined
the steps undertaken to support residents.
viii. It
was noted that the existing units at Aylesborough Close were difficult to let
and sometimes refused by prospective tenants.
ix. Clarification
was requested on how the scheme compared with similar schemes.
The Director of
Customer and Community Services explained that strenuous efforts were made to
ensure that all tenants were appropriately supported to find the best possible
outcome for them. The Director of Customer and Community Services outlined the
housing developments needs in the city, and current rent policy.
x. The
assertion that the committee had to consider the strategic housing implications
of the proposals was challenged.
xi. Further
information was requested regarding the position of leaseholders.
xii. The
EQIA was inadequate.
The Executive
Councillor explained that it would not be appropriate for tenants to have a
veto on scheme proposal, but that it was important for tenants to have a say in
the development of proposals. The Executive Councillor also re-iterated that
she didn’t normally attend residents meetings, because her attendance didn’t
assist residents but was willing to attend when requested by residents.
xiii. General support was expressed for the
Stanesfield Road scheme.
xiv. Clarification
was sought on the implications; specifically the financial implication if a
decision was deferred.
The Head of
Strategic Housing explained that that grant funding had to be spent by March
2015, and that £17,500 would be the penalty for each incomplete unit and that
any delay could prejudice the ability of the City Council to deliver the
schemes without penalty.
The committee were
asked to consider the implication of deferral in terms of what positive
outcomes could be realistically delivered. The committee discussed the
implications of deferral.
Councillor Blencowe
proposed an amendment to defer schemes “a” and “b” (Aylesborough Close and
Water Lane) for further consultation and a re-assessment of the suitability of
the scheme. The Scrutiny Committee voted four votes in favour of the amendment
and four votes against the amendment. The amendment was defeated on the Chairs
casting vote.
The Scrutiny
Committee considered the recommendations and voted as below
Close |
Four votes in
favour and four votes against The proposal was
endorsed on the Chairs casting vote. |
Water Lane |
Four votes in
favour and four votes against The proposal was
endorsed on the Chairs casting vote. |
Stansfield Road |
Unanimously in
favour |
The Executive
Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive
Councillor (and any dispensations granted)
Publication date: 12/12/2012
Date of decision: 11/10/2012