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Decision details

Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods

Decision Maker: West Central Area Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The committee received a report from Chief Inspector Sloan and Police Sergeant Andrea Gilbert regarding the policing and safer neighbourhoods trends.


The report outlined actions taken since the West Central Area Committee of the 26th April 2012. The pro-active work and emerging issues/neighbourhood trends for each ward were also highlighted as below.

        i.      Sergeant Gilbert reported successful recent action to address over-ranking at taxi ranks.

      ii.      A number of complaints about unlicensed punt tours operators had been received and action had been taken. 


Existing Priority: Speed enforcement in support of the 20mph limit.


John Lawton

Police action regarding cyclist includes education, can this also be applied to motorists? Dropping the 20mph priority would send the wrong message to motorists.


Martin Lucas-Smith

Police time should be related to danger to others and therefore the 20mph priority should be retained.


Members asked for a breakdown on action taken to-date and for more information on the type of vehicle involved. Sergeant Gilbert will supply this information. She stated that the culprits were predominately private cars but had included some taxis but no buses.


Members discussed how useful it was to pursue this priority at present. Councillor Bick suggested that other priorities were also important and that this committee should drop this priority for the time being. Dropping this as a priority would not mean that no action would be taken. The committee valued the Police commitment in sending high-ranking officers to West Central Area Committee and welcomed the opportunity for positive joint working in future. Members agreed that returning to this as a priority when the improved signage was in place, possibly linked to a programme of public education, was the best way forward.   


Existing Priority: Anti-social cycling in the West/Central area.


Members welcomed the action that had taken place on this priority and suggested that it be retained as a priority due to the approaching dark evenings and the new cohort of undergraduates expected shortly. The North Area Committee also had this as a priority adding weight to the priority. It was suggested that the current approach of education and enforcement was producing results.


It was suggested that there were known hot spots for dangerous cycling, such as Round Church Street at peak commuting times, and that these could be targeted for enforcement action. Tackling cyclist who use mobile phone while cycling was also suggested.


Existing Priority: Mobile phone thefts from City licensed premises.


Members were concerned that an education film aimed at students gave the false impression that they were likely to be targeted in the City. The film would be edited before freshers week to correct this image. Members expressed satisfaction with the work that had been done on this priority.


Suggested New Priority: Anti-social behaviour in Grafton Centre Area.

Councillor Bick proposed adding anti-social behaviour in the Fair Street, Grafton Centre and Fitzroy Street area. This area has had a long history of low-level problems associated with street life and local residents had been quite tolerant.  However, a recent residents meeting reported emerging levels of aggression not previously encountered. Mobile CCTV cameras had been requested for the area.


Sergeant Gilbert reported that the East Area Committee had recently requested action on similar problems in the Mill Road area.


Suggested New Priority: Punt Touting

At the request of the police the committee considered adding punt touting as a priority. It was agreed that a multi agency approach was needed. Members debated the timing of this request, as although punting is now a year round activity, there was likely to be less demand as winter approached.


Suggested New Priority: Emergency Vehicle Obstruction

As minute number 12/52/WAC above.


Resolved on a show of hands members agreed the following priorities:


              i.      Anti-social cycling in the West/Central area.

            ii.      Anti-social behaviour in the Grafton Centre area.

          iii.      Emergency Vehicle Obstruction

Report author: Lynda Kilkelly

Publication date: 07/09/2012

Date of decision: 23/08/2012

Decided at meeting: 23/08/2012 - West Central Area Committee

Accompanying Documents: