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Decision Maker: South Area Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The committee received a report from Inspector Poppit regarding Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods. The meeting was advised of progress against existing priorities and a recommendation on whether they should continue or not, and a summary of overall crime levels in the area.
Members of the public made the following comments on the report
i. With reference to speeding and the fact that PCSOs were not permitted to undertake enforcement action, the committee was urged to set a priority requiring Police Officers to undertake this type of activity.
ii. It was noted that the committee had asked on a number of occasions for a breakdown of violent crime and that this was not included, and it was suggested that a priority could be set based on reducing the number of injuries report.
iii. It was also noted that the committee had also asked in the past for information about traffic and motoring offences to be included in the report, and that without that data it was very difficult for the committee to set priorities in these areas.
iv. The effectiveness of existing social media work undertaken by the Police and other partners was challenged.
v. Support for the continuation of the school parking priority was expressed. Concern was however raised regarding the apparent low level of resource focussed on this priority compared with other priorities.
Inspector Poppit responded to the issues raised by members of the public.
i. The report was currently produced locally and that providing the level of detailed requested was not achievable without the use of significant resources.
ii. With the reference to the suggestion regarding a priority based on number of injuries, the Inspector explained that it would be very difficult unless there was a particular hot spot, which could be focused on.
iii. The comments related to social media were noted.
A representative of the Fire and Rescue Service explained that in addition to the Police hours, the Fire and Rescue Service had also invested time in addressing the priority regarding anti-social parking in the proximity of primary schools in Queen Ediths.
The committee noted further concerns regarding the apparent mismatch between the level of activity reported regarding anti-social parking in the proximity of primary schools in Queen Ediths, and the level of activity witnessed. The Inspector agreed to address the concerns outside of the meeting.
The committee made the following comments on the report
i. Support was expressed for the continuation of the Anti-Social behaviour in Cherry Hinton Priority. The positive activities of the PCSOs were welcomed.
ii. Existing social media activities undertaken by the Police and other partners was highlighted.
iii. With reference to speeding at Church End, the comments raised by the police in the report regarding the difficulty in undertaking speed enforcement in that area due to the road layout were noted. It was highlighted that when the speed survey was conducted it coincided with the installation of temporary traffic lights, and it was requested that the exercise was repeated at a time when the lights were not present. It was also questioned whether it was possible for PCSOs to be authorised to undertake speed enforcement activities.
iv. The possibility of including for each crime type a list of the different offences was suggested.
v. With reference to the issues of anti social parking, the Police were requested to consider the implications of the refurbishment work at Queens Edith’s Primary School. The comment was noted. Support was expressed for the continuation of the priority.
vi. With reference to the issues of anti social parking, the work undertaken by the Fire Service was welcomed and it was also suggested that enforcement action should be extended to the Perse Pelican School and Homerton Childrens Centre. The Inspector confirmed that it was intended that enforcement activities would be extended.
vii. In light of the increased number of dwelling burglaries, the possibility of undertaking awareness raising activities amongst the elderly population was suggested.
viii. With regards to the increased rate of violent crime in Trumpington, it was suggested that it needed to be considered as a priority unless there was an explanation.
xi. The committee expressed frustration about the difficulty of setting priorities without detailed information on certain crime types.
Resolved (Unamiously) to recommend the following priorities
i. Continuation – Anti Social Behaviour in Cherry Hinton
ii. Continuation – Anti Social of Mini Motos
iii. Continuation – Anti Social parking associated with primary schools in Queens Ediths
iv. Continuation – Speeding at Church End
v. New – Dwelling burglary
Report author: Lynda Kilkelly
Publication date: 20/08/2012
Date of decision: 16/07/2012
Decided at meeting: 16/07/2012 - South Area Committee
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