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Decision details

Southern Area Corridor Funding

Decision Maker: South Area Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The committee received a report from the County Council requesting feedback on two specific project proposals and also seeking additional ideas for potential transport projects. The committee were advised that the money had been collected through the S106 process and could only be used to mitigate the effects of development. Previous schemes in Cambridge funded through the Area Transport Corridor Funding were highlighted.

With regards to the specific projects the committee made the following comments.

1.    Supportive of the Hills Road Bridge proposal, and it was suggested a similar project could be considered for Long Road Bridge as well.

2.    General support for the radial route signage project. It was suggested that the project should also include other major routes in the area such as Babraham Road, Queen Ediths Way, Mowbray Road and Fendon Road,

The committee made the following suggestions for new schemes

1.    Improvements to Cherry Hinton High Street

2.    Improvements to Hauxton Road Bridge

3.    Re-modelling of Long Road Cycleways

4.    Reverse rural bus subsidy cuts

5.    Other improvements to Cycleways, including increased maintenance

6.    Lighting on the Guided busway cycleway.

7.    Supporting the implementation of the South Area Parking Review

8.    Installation of a bridge to link the Leisure Park with the Railway Station

9.    Re-siting of the Brooklands Avenue bus stop away from grass verges and improvements to the infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians.

10.           Improved maintenance of trees where they overhang signage

Mr Crack explained that S106 money could not be spent on pure maintenance, but could potentially be used for maintenance where it could be demonstrated that maintenance delivers a significant improvement which mitigated the effects of development. Mr Crack highlighted the schemes which potentially were eligible for funding through this route and which weren’t, and explained the process for progressing schemes.

The committee expressed concern that the funding would not cover maintenance issues, particularly where the current approach of the County Council could be seen as dangerous to particular users such as cyclists or pedestrians.  

Ward Councillors re-iterated the concerns which had been raised in the Open Forum regarding the need to progress improvements to Cherry Hinton High Street.  

The committee thanked Mr Crack for attending the committee.


Publication date: 20/08/2012

Date of decision: 05/03/2012

Decided at meeting: 05/03/2012 - South Area Committee

Accompanying Documents: