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Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Transformation
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
Following receipt of an update on the CBbid project and a review of the Business Plan, to decide whether to support the introduction of a Business Improvement District in Cambridge through the ballot which will be held in October 2012. To confirm the mechanism through which the Council will exercise its vote.
for Decision: Proposal for
the introduction of a Business Improvement District (BID) in Cambridge and the
opportunities for increased investment in the management of the City Centre.
Decision of the Executive Councillor:
The Executive
Councillor resolved to:
Arrange a
Special Meeting of the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee in September
to discuss key issues relating to the BID project.
Support the
Council’s continued engagement in this project, pending a full report and
recommendations coming to Committee.
Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the officer’s report
Any alternative options considered and
rejected: As set out in the
officer’s report
Scrutiny Considerations
The committee received a report from the Head of Tourism and City Centre Management
and the CBbid Development Manager.
The committee made the following comments on the report:
Expressed concern that the map of the proposed BID area included open
spaces and the River Cam.
Clarity was needed on the voting mechanism.
Expressed concern that this was the first time that the committee had had
an opportunity to scrutinise this project.
Noted that, whilst the historic City Centre was important, its success
should not be at the expense of other areas of the City.
In response to member’s questions the Head of Tourism and City Centre Management
and the CBbid Development Manager confirmed the following:
The BID had no judicial powers.
It was felt appropriate to include open spaces and the river in the BID
area, as they were important parts of the city. However these concerns would be
taken back to the Task Group for further discussion.
The BID area had only been defined in May 2012 and this was therefore the
first opportunity to bring the detail to the committee’s attention.
The BID area had been based on feedback from retailers across the whole
area, including Mill Road.
The voting system was fully explained in the 2004 guidance.
The City Council had 13 votes, the University had 13 votes and the
colleges had 19 votes.
The main BID area would fund the overhead costs of any ‘satellite’ bid.
Experience in other areas has shown that large retailers were in favour
of the main BID supporting any ‘satellite’ bid.
In order to challenge or extend a ‘satellite’ BID area a re-ballot of the
whole area would have to be taken.
Very few retailers in Mill Road had expressed an interest in the BID as
they said that they did not see the benefit for their businesses.
The Executive
Councillor agreed to arrange a
Special Meeting of the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee in September
to discuss key issues relating to the BID project.
The Scrutiny
Committee considered and approved the amended recommendations by 4 votes to 0.
The Executive
Councillor approved the amended recommendations.
Publication date: 10/08/2012
Date of decision: 09/07/2012