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Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control, and Infrastructure
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To agree the process for i)applications ii)where nominees should be invited from iii)term of office iv)Code of Conduct
Public Speaker
Clive Rees - Crabtree BC X-press BC,
Chairman CRA boathouse committee, addressed the committee and raised the
following points:
Matter for Decision:
The terms of office for the seven
Conservators of the River Cam appointed by the City Council end on 31 December
2012. The report explained how the City
Council had previously gone about appointing to the Conservators and how that
should change following a review requested by the Executive Councillor.
Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning
and Climate Change:
Agreed to instruct officers to arrange an open and
public process for seeking applications for some of the City Council
appointments to the Conservators of the River Cam (para 4.1 of the Officer’s
Agreed that the composition of the seven appointees is
three city councillors and four members of the public (para 4.2 of the
Officer’s report).
Agreed that the criteria which applies and the
application process is as set out in (para 4.4/4.5 of the Officer’s report).
Agreed Council appointees will be required to sign up
to the Council’s Code of Conduct (para 4.6 of the Officer’s report)
Agreed that the maximum term of office is normally for
3 x three year terms with thereafter a break period of three years before a
re-application can be made. This rule
should apply retrospectively. (para 4.7 of the Officer’s report)
Agreed that a four member panel would consider
applications make recommendations to the
Environment Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 9 October 2012. Details
of the panel would be agreed b the Chair and Spokes.
Reason for the Decision:
As set out in the
Officer’s report.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations:
The Executive Councillor
for Planning
and Climate Change introduced the report.
Members discussed the
status of former Councillor, Ian Nimmo-Smith, who was appointed to the Cam
Conservators as a Councillor and was not required to resign this post.
An active recruitment
process, using the Cam Conservators contact list was welcomed. Complaints had
been received in the past about the perceived secret nature of the selection
process and any future selection process should be as open and transparent as
Members debated the number
of Councillor appointments proposed. Councillor Merchant-Daisley stated that
appointments should be proportional and therefore, either 2 or 4. She proposed
the following amendment to the recommendations:
To agreed that the composition of
the seven appointees is two city councillors and five members of the public.
The committee rejected the amended recommendation by 4 votes
to 4 and the Chair’s casting vote.
The committee was reminded that other public bodies, such as
the Environment Agency and the County Council had representatives on the
Conservators . However, public members, while drawn from interest groups, were
not there to represent those groups but rather to protect the interests of all
The selection process of public members was discussed. A
suggested additional recommendation to allow a selection panel to short list
potential applicants was abandoned. Members were concerned that rejecting
applicants in public would be uncomfortable and would discourage potential
Members agreed that a selection panel of 4 members
should be formed to meet in private and review all applications received. The
panel would then make recommendations to the committee for final decision. The Executive Councillor requested that
the process at the Scrutiny Committee be sufficiently open and transparent, but
respected the Scrutiny Committee's view that if their was a need to debate any
applicant's merits that it is done in closed session. It was agreed that the
Scrutiny Committee would not be bound by the recommendations of the selection
The final details on the
composition of the selection panel to be agreed by the Chair and Spokes.
Councillor Ward proposed
the following amendments to the recommendations:
v) To agree that the maximum term of office is normally
for 3 x three year terms with thereafter a break period of three years
before a re-application can be made. This rule to apply retrospectively.
vi) A four
member panel would consider applications make recommendations to the Environment Scrutiny Committee at its
meeting on 9 October 2012. Details of the panel would be agreed b the Chair and
The committee agreed the amendments by 4 votes to 0.
The committee resolved to endorse the
recommendations as amended by 4 votes to 0.
The Executive
Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of interest declared
by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)
Not applicable.
Conflicts of interest declared
by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)
Not applicable.
Publication date: 30/07/2012
Date of decision: 26/06/2012