Council and democracy
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Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Open Spaces and City Services
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Approve expenditure on the project
Matter for Decision:
The project appraisal
seeks to spend a proportion of the funding set aside for this wider project to
improve access and facilities at the Guildhall. Stage one will involve the purchase of a removable disabled wheelchair
lift and new demountable, tiered staging; this will leave £54,700 to fund stage
two which will cover installation of disabled access to the Guildhall and a
range of other related improvements.
Decision of Executive Councillor for Arts, Sport and Public Places
The Executive Councillor resolved to:
Financial recommendations
Approve the
commencement of this scheme, which is already included in the Council’s Capital
& Revenue Project Plan (SC361).
The total cost
of the project is £25,300, funded from use of Reserves.
There are no
ongoing revenue implications arising from the project.
Approve the
carrying out and completion of the procurement of replacement tiered staging
for the Guildhall stage at a cost of £18,300 and a temporary removable
wheelchair lift for the Guildhall Stage at a cost of £7,000. These items form
part of the Guildhall Improvement Project for which a capital sum of £80,000
has been allocated.
Subject to the
permission from the Executive Councillor being sought before proceeding if the
value exceeds the estimated contract by more than 15%.
Reason for the Decision:
The aim is to ensure that the Guildhall can continue to be
used as a performance space for all sectors of the community, that the
facilities offered ally with best practice in terms of disability access and
that improvements reflect the history and current use of the building.
Any alternative options considered and
Not applicable
Scrutiny Considerations:
No applicable.
Executive Councillor for Arts, Sport and Public Places approved the
Conflicts of interest declared by the
Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted).
Publication date: 05/04/2012
Date of decision: 15/03/2012