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Decision Maker: North Area Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Recommend the approval of a provisional tree planting schedule with the ability to review annually
The committee received a report from the Green Space Manager.
Members of the public and Councillors asked a number of questions, as
set out below:
1) Resident: Asked whether the trees proposed for the
church boundary at Chesterton Recreation Ground were new or replacements.
The Green Space Manager confirmed that the funding would be for additional trees and not replacements.
2) Resident: Asked whether the central planting proposed
for Brownsfield Recreation Ground would infill the amphitheatre.
The Green Space Manager confirmed that the central planting would not would infill the amphitheatre but simply provide an enhanced setting for the orchard.
3) Councillor Brierley: Asked what trees would be planted
on Nunns Way Recreation Ground.
The Green Space Manager confirmed that a variety of different stage canopy cover would be planted.
4) Councillor Price: Requested more detail on the
structural layout improvements in Woodhead Drive.
The Green Space Manager confirmed that this would be boundary planting designed to give a more structured feel to an open space.
It was also noted that as part of the approved project list a neighbourhood letter drop would be undertaken so that residents views and concerns could be addressed prior to the tree works commencing.
5) Councillor Todd-Jones: Suggested that the
committee needed more detailed plans of the planting projects in order to make
an informed decision.
The Green Space Manager confirmed that this detailed work would normally be undertaken after the provisional list had been agreed.
6) Resident: Asked for more detail on the Brownsfield
Orchard scheme and emphasised the need for public consultation.
The Green Space Manager confirmed that, whilst this was not a City Council scheme, the comments regarding public consultation would be fed back to Transition Cambridge.
7) Resident: Highlighted the need for the trees on Brownsfield Recreation Ground to be ‘spaced’ appropriately to minimise the risk of anti-social behaviour.
This comment was noted.
8) Resident: Raised concern about the deterioration of the verges along Carlton Way and confirmed that permission had been gained from the Highways Department of Cambridgeshire County Council to plant three trees in this area. The City Council were asked if they would be willing to provide these three trees from the current project allocation.
The Green Space Manager agreed to discuss this with colleagues and contact the member of the public outside of the meeting.
9) Resident: Raised concern about illegal cycling on the
pavement in Carlton Way and requested additional signage to highlight this.
Councillor Ward (Executive Councillor for Planning and Sustainable Transport) noted this comment but emphasised that the County Council would be unlikely to erect such signage.
10) Councillor Tunnacliffe: Questioned how the high mortality rate of newly planted trees would be addressed.
The Green Space Manager confirmed that it was important that the trees were secured properly and that aftercare and watering plans were put in place. It was also noted that a contingency had been put in place in case of any fatalities in year 1.
11) Resident: Raised the issues of oversized trees in Hawkins Road and the subsequent damage caused to pavements.
The Green Space Manager confirmed that older larger trees that had not been looked after could cause problems to pavements. It was noted that the City Council were currently undertaking a Canopy Study for the city and that it was important to have a broad range of species and sizes.
12) Councillor Bird: Emphasised that damaged pavements
could cause issues for people with mobility problems and may result in accident
or injury.
This comment was noted.
The Chair proposed that details of the individual schemes be worked up and that the Green Space Manager then liaise with Ward Councillors regarding resident consultation.
The committee agreed with this proposal.
RESOLVED (unanimously) to:
Approve the
provisional four-year planting schedule at paragraph 4.5 to 4.8 of the
officer’s report.
adapt and approve the list of proposed sites on an annual basis.
Request that the Green Space Manager liaise with Ward Councillors
regarding resident consultation.
Report author: Alistair Wilson
Publication date: 17/05/2012
Date of decision: 22/03/2012
Decided at meeting: 22/03/2012 - North Area Committee
Accompanying Documents: