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Decision details

Environmental Improvement Programme

Decision Maker: West Central Area Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The committee received a report from the Project Delivery and Environment Manager regarding the Environmental Improvement Programme.


(Q1)Anthony Martinelli

Can the lighting on Parkers Piece be improved? Students from both Universities find the dark paths daunting.


Councillor Bick responded. This issue had been raised by the students unions of both Universities. He was happy for it to be added to the list of projects subject to caveats.  Any lighting would have to respect the character of the open space of the area. In addition, the space was used by a variety of people for a range events and sports. Any additional lighting would have to accommodate those uses. An imaginative solution would be needed but he was keen that one should be found as this was a legitimate concern on the part of the student community and others.


(Q2) Mr Lawton

What progress had been made with the 20mph signage improvements?

A decision on funding was expected later this month. The wider project of a City-wide 20mph limit had not received County Council funding and alternative source was under investigation.


(Q3) Mr Higgs

The footpath improvements to Midsummer Common and Jesus Green are on hold. A Lottery funding bid had been submitted and the results would be known in June. Can the Officer give any other update?

The Project Delivery and Environment Manager responded. The paths are classed as highways and therefore, a County Council responsibility. Some remedial work had been carried out. S106 funding was restricted to capital projects and could not be used for maintenance.


The following matters were discussed:

·        Richmond Road Residents Association had requested a City-wide scheme for public noticeboards.

·        A bench at the bus stop at the corner of Huntingdon Road and Sherlock Road had been requested.

·        Lammas Land access was discussed. The traffic lights needed to be improved as motorists currently stop too far away from the activation point.

·        Improvements to the pavement outside the Doctors surgery had been passed to the County Council for action.


RESOLVED (Unanimously)

             I.      To approve the list of schemes in section 5.0 of the Officer’s report for further investigation into their feasibility and estimated cost.

Report author: Andrew Preston

Publication date: 16/03/2012

Date of decision: 01/03/2012

Decided at meeting: 01/03/2012 - West Central Area Committee

Accompanying Documents: