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Decision Maker: Community Services Scrutiny Committee
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Matter for Decision:
The project, is
for a public art commission, which was inspired by the ‘Olympic Mission’ of
equality, diversity, peace and the promotion of a healthy environment to aid
the integration of new residents within existing communities and to influence
the identity, cohesiveness and social dynamics of those communities. The
project would take place in four communities of Cambridge, culminating in an
’event’, where all four communities are brought together on Parker’s Piece
within a common cause. The ‘event’ would coincide with the arrival of the
Olympic Torch relay, which passes through Cambridge in July 2012.
Decision of Exec Cllr for Arts, Sport and
Public Places:
Financial recommendations:
The Executive
Councillor agreed to recommend this capital scheme for approval by Council,
subject to resources being available to fund the capital and revenue costs
associated with the Scheme. The total
capital cost of the project is £129,000, and it is proposed that £99,000 be
funded from Developer Contributions and £30,000 made available from the Big
Weekend 2012 budget to support the project.
The Executive
Councillor approved the carrying out and completion of the procurement of the
Community Olympic commission.
II. If the quotation or tender sum exceeds the
estimated contract value by more than 15% the permission of the Executive
Councillor and Director of Finance will be sought prior to proceeding.
Reason for the Decision:
The project is inspired by the Olympic Mission to address
the integration of new residents within existing communities and to influence
the social dynamics of those communities. Artists will be commissioned to use
the three core values of Olympism to explore the notions of equality,
diversity, peace and the promotion of a healthy environment in four communities
of Cambridge.
Any alternative options considered and
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations:
The committee
received a report from the Senior Arts and Urban Design Officer regarding the
Community Public Art Commission. She tabled some examples of what had been
achieved in other areas and outlined the goals of the project as per the
In response to
members questions she outlined the selection process. Previous research and
local knowledge had identified a small number of organisations deemed
capable of delivering the desired
goals. The deadlines are tight and a robust tender process would be necessary
to ensure delivery of a high quality project that could engage the community
and leave a lasting legacy.
Members questioned
community involvement in the project and the diversity of engagement. The
officer responded that the project would look for engagement across the four
area committee area. The correct artist would be able to work in partnership
with different community groups. Leaving a legacy of skills and networks for
the future.
It was agreed that
this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for the City. It was noted that the funding
was to come from Section 106 developer contributions rather than council funds.
The Scrutiny Committee considered and
endorsed the recommendations in the report
unanimously (8 votes to 0).
Executive Councillor for Arts, Sport and Public Places approved the
Conflicts of interest declared by the
Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)
Publication date: 16/11/2011
Date of decision: 13/10/2011