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Decision details

Quarterly Housing Performance Report

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Housing

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To note current performance across the Councils housing provision against 24/25 targets with updates on key activity.


Matter for Decision

The report provided:

·       An update Housing Scrutiny Committee on the progress towards meeting performance against indicator targets that support the delivery of the Council’s vision: ‘‘One Cambridge, Fair for All’ (Appendix A).

·       Briefed Members on the regular programme of statutory and regulatory returns currently being submitted by the Housing Service (Appendix B)

·       An update on damp, condensation and mould recorded in HRA stock (Appendix C)

·       An update on the rent review project (Appendix D)


Decision of Executive Councillor for Housing

i.                Noted the Housing Service’s results in operational delivery, health and safety and customer focus performance, plus the current pressures on service delivery and the impact this may have on reaching targets laid out in this report.

ii.               Noted the recent reports of damp, condensation and mould received by the service, and the measures being put in place to help combat DCM in tenant’s homes.

iii.             Noted the update on the rent regulation project

iv.             Considered any further measures of performance that would be beneficial to be included in these reports, going forward.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Communities Director.


The Communities Director, Assistant Director of Housing and Homelessness and Strategic Delivery Manager said the following in response to Members’ questions:

      i.          Advised that Housing Officers were allocated particular parts of the city as their ‘patch’ and tenancy audits were undertaken on properties within their patch. Each Housing Officer was responsible for approximately 1200-1300 properties.

     ii.          Acknowledged that it was important for tenants to update the Council regarding any change in their circumstances which could impact their needs. Customer Service Advisors always checked contact details when Tenants called the Council. The Council was going to undertake a ‘Tenant Census’ and would undertake a procurement exercise to appointment a company to carry out this work.

   iii.          Officers noted Tenant Representative’s concerns regarding the Council’s new Governance proposals and noted that a decision hadn’t been made on the proposals yet. Officers believed that transparency would be enhanced by the proposals as there would be a dedicated focus on housing under the proposals and more timely reporting to Members.

   iv.          Advised that the number in brackets contained within agenda item 10 page 50 of the agenda referred to the number of damp, condensation and mould (DCM) reports and not the number of dwellings due for retrofitting at Ekin Road.

    v.          The Council was 100% compliant in undertaking fire risk assessments in accordance with the Housing Regulator’s standards. Officers would look at how information could be reported to the Committee regarding fire risk actions (for e.g. what items had had to be removed from certain areas). 

   vi.          Would provide outside of the meeting the percentage figure for the number of people who were awaiting a refund under the Rent Regulation project who were on Universal Credit. Officers were currently testing systems to ensure that payments could be made to tenants who were on other benefits such as Housing Benefits. A recruitment exercise was being undertaken to recruit officers to undertake the Rent Regulation work; a Project Manager was now in post. An online form was also being created to assist tenants to contact the Council about the Rent Regulation project. Officers were mindful that not all tenants wanted to use online forms and tenants were still able to contact the Customer Services Centre for assistance. This work would need to be done in stages to manage the workload and the plan was to contact current tenants first. Further communication with tenants would follow in due course.

 vii.          Officers would provide a response outside of the meeting explaining why there was a decrease in the completion of completed DCM claims this year compared to last year.

viii.          Officers would also pick up the point previously raised at the September meeting regarding DCM figures and their accuracy.

   ix.          Noted concerns raised that residents didn’t understand the DCM process. Advised that the Council’s website had recently been updated to provide timescales for each individual process for DCM for tenants. A video providing guidance on DCM was also due to be published on the council’s website.  

    x.          Tenancy Audits covered a range of issues including checking that properties weren’t being sub-let, picking up on additional support needs of tenants and also picking up on repairs which hadn’t been reported.

   xi.          Encouraged tenants to report instances of bikes blocking doorways so that Enforcement Officers could investigate. Concerns could be reported by emailing HousingOfficers@cambridge.gov.uk or by calling the Customer Service Centre and asking to be put through to a Housing Officer.

 xii.          Would look to include more information in the Council’s magazine for tenants ‘Open Door’ around processes regarding responsive repairs and planned repairs.  

xiii.          In response to Councillor Thittala’s comments regarding his personal experience regarding an emergency repair and bathroom repair; Officers apologised for the level of service received from the Council and advised that there was an emergency repairs process in place which appeared to have failed. Advised that as part of the complaint process compensation could be payable to recognise the inconvenience experienced due to service failure. The Council would not always get the process right and that was why this report was important. Would investigate the matter after the meeting.

xiv.          Noted Member concern regarding target setting below the lower benchmark quartile (referred to Appendix A on page 42 of the agenda and the graph titled ‘Satisfaction with most recent repair). Acknowledged the target could be higher; there was a balance to be struck between setting a target and it being achievable, it was likely that the target would be set higher in the coming year. 

xv.          Agreed to investigate whether the data included within Appendix C DCM report, Table 3, Category ‘Other’ could be broken down further.


The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor for Housing approved the recommendations.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.


Publication date: 13/03/2025

Date of decision: 04/02/2025