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Decision details

Community Funding Programme 2025/26

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Communities

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Members will be asked to approve:
i. The introduction of a twice-yearly small grants scheme replacing the previous Small Community Grants Scheme and Area Committee Grants Scheme (subject to approval of a paper on options for local democratic engagement being taken to Civic Affairs Committee on 10th July ), for applications with a value of less than £5k.
ii. The introduction of an Annual Community Grants Scheme with a focus on outcomes linked to the Community Wealth Building Strategy. For applications with a value of £5k or over.
iii. The introduction of multi-year funding agreements for specific provision within the City.


Matter for Decision

The Community Grants scheme priorities were reviewed periodically to ensure they remained relevant and align with the Councils Corporate Plan and wider objectives. Similarly, the grant procedures were reviewed annually as part of a continuous improvement process, considering feedback from applicants and the experience of the Grants Team.


In addition to this, a full community grants review was started in 2022 with the introduction of a ‘light touch’ small grants application process for awards of up to £2,000. There was also agreement to begin the broader work required which would be developed alongside the ‘Our Cambridge Transformation Programme’. This included exploring the introduction of longer-term funding arrangements for organisations delivering ongoing essential services and infrastructure support to the voluntary sector; considering the challenges presented by the Area Committee grants process; and the potential to move to a digital grants platform.


The Community Grants Review was not driven by the need to make financial savings, but instead recognised the issues that were facing the voluntary and community sector (VCS). It reflected Officer’s understanding of the challenges the sector faced in responding to inequalities and prolonged financial hardship and how the Council could better work alongside VCS partners to deliver positive change for our communities.


Discussions were currently underway within Cambridgeshire about the potential to agree a set of shared principles across all public sector partners which would foster collaboration. Although these conversations were in the early stages, the community grants review provided an opportunity to embed these principles now.


There were three strands to the proposed new approach to community funding set out in section 4 of the Officer’s report. Running alongside this Officers were exploring with statutory partners whether funding schemes could align more closely together, both in terms of grant making and grant monitoring.


Decision of Leader

      i.          Approved the introduction of a twice-yearly Small Community Grants scheme replacing the previous Small Community Grants scheme and Area Committee Grants scheme, for applications with a value of £5,000 or less.

     ii.          Approved the continuation of the annual Main Community Grants scheme, for applications with a value over £5,000.

   iii.          Approved the introduction of multi-year funding agreements for specific provision within the City.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Community Funding and Voluntary Sector Manager.


The Community Funding and Voluntary Sector Manager said the following in response to Members’ questions:

      i.          There were sufficient staff resources in place to process the bi-annual grant cycle assessments.

     ii.          Moving to a digital grants platform would free up staff resources that could be reallocated to administration as required.


The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.


The Leader approved the recommendations.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Leader (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.


Publication date: 03/01/2025

Date of decision: 27/06/2024