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Decision details

Update on New Build Council Housing Delivery

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Housing

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Regular update on the Councils new build housing delivery programme


This item was chaired by Councillor Pounds (Chair).


Matter for Decision

The report provided an update on the housing development programme.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Housing and Homelessness

      i.          Noted the continued progress on the delivery of the approved housing programme.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Interim Assistant Director Development.


The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:

      i.          Welcomed the work done regarding the provision of homes for Ukrainian refugees. 

     ii.          Requested that future reports provided information on wheelchair accessible homes by bedroom size.


The Interim Assistant Director Development said the following in response to Members’ questions:

i.The tables within the report showed the different stages the various housing developments were at. Agreed to work with councillors to see if different descriptions of the stages of development could be used, so that this information was more user friendly.

ii.Archaeological investigations (referred to on p123 paragraph 6.3 of the agenda) were sometimes required as part of a planning application approval. Officers worked with the County Council’s Archaeological Department and consultants to comply with any planning conditions regarding a site’s archaeology.  


The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendation.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.


Publication date: 26/01/2024

Date of decision: 20/06/2023