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Decision details

***ROD South Newnham Neighbourhood Plan

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control, and Infrastructure

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To agree the response to the pre-submission consultation on the South Newnham Neighbourhood Plan.


Matter for Decision: To agree the response to the pre-submission consultation on the South Newnham Neighbourhood Plan.


Why the Decision had to be made (and any alternative options):


The South Newnham Neighbourhood Forum is preparing a neighbourhood plan for their area. The Council has a duty to support neighbourhood forums in preparing their plan. Officers have considered the contents of the South Newnham Neighbourhood Plan against the basic conditions tests, including general conformity with national planning policy and the policies of the adopted Local Plan. 


An alternative option would be for the Council not to respond to the pre-submission consultation, but the Council has a duty to support neighbourhood forums in their plan-making. If no response is made the neighbourhood forum would not be made aware of the Council’s views and suggested amendments to help ensure that the neighbourhood plan will be successful at examination.


The Executive Councillor’s decision: Agreed the response to the pre-submission consultation on the South Newnham Neighbourhood Plan as set out in Appendix A (see link below)


Appendix A Response to the pre-submission on the  South Newnham Neighbourhood Plan


Reason for the decision: The Council has a duty to support neighbourhood forums in preparing neighbourhood plans and is keen to support these local communities so that their plan is successful at examination.


Scrutiny Consideration: The Chair and Spokespersons of the Planning and Transport Scrutiny Committee were consulted prior to the action being authorised.


Report: The response from Cambridge City Council to the pre-submission consultation on the South Newnham Neighbourhood Plan is shown in Appendix A.


Appendix A Response to the pre-submission on the  South Newnham Neighbourhood Plan


The Plan can be found on the www.newnhamforum.co.uk website under the heading “Neighbourhood Plan”, which includes the draft Plan itself, together with the Evidence Base and Street Appraisals which are supporting documents.


Conflict of interest: None.


Comments: No adverse comments were made by the Chair or Opposition Spokes.


Publication date: 01/08/2023

Date of decision: 01/08/2023